Today was a fun day.
First, as I was getting dressed, I stumbled upon a necklace that my sister gave me that I thought I lost months ago.
Score! It’s the little things, my friends.
And yes, I know I have freckly skin. The dermatologist tells me this, too. I always mess up and say I have “moley skin,” which skeeves Ryan out. He then corrects me saying, “You have freckles, not moles. Moles are big and hairy.”
Moley, moley, moley. (Any other Austin Powers fan out there? “I want to cut it up and make some guacaMOOOOLE.”)
After putting on real clothes and publishing my lunchtime post, I headed out and about, first stopping at a local coffee shop to get some uninterrupted work done on my laptop.
Once I was done working, I drove to the What’s Up Ocala offices to pick up the latest issue of the magazine and a check for a freelance article that I wrote for the issue.
Seeing my work published never gets old.
I left the office with another assignment which I hope to tackle soon, as I already have notes for the piece jotted down. Freelance assignments that pertain to topics that genuinely interest me are the best because I have to scale myself back rather than force words to flow. A much easier challenge, that’s for sure!
Before heading home for the day, I swung by the Ocala library to pick up a book I had on hold.
(Does the cover model on the book look like Katherine McPhee to anyone else?)
Pandemonium is the sequel to Delirium, which I finished back in April.
I totally forgot what happened in Delirium! I read a bunch of dystopian novels back-to-back in April and May and have them all confused. Hopefully reading a brief plot summary of Delirium will catch me up and get me excited to dig into Pandemonium. (Also, to avoid any confusion, Pandemonium isn’t the June Book Club selection. We’ll pick that tomorrow or Friday.)
Dinner tonight was nice and fresh.
I made myself a big salad of arugula, watermelon and goat cheese topped with a generous drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkle of salt.
Served with a cup of Greek yogurt for added protein.
This salad is seriously way too good. I think I could eat it every day. I was actually rather full before I even started eating dinner because I ate so much watermelon as I was cutting it up. It was perfectly ripe and sweet (and on sale!).
Off to hang with the fam!
Ha! I just laughed at the mole comment. Moley moley. And then I was embarrassed I laughed…which is how those Austin Powers movies are.
By the way…LOVE the necklace. Not even something I would wear and I still love it!
i thought the same thing when my sister gave it to me! it wasn’t something i’d pick out and then i ended up really liking it and being super bummed when i thought i lost it.
Sometimes those are the best gifts. I was just given a purse the other day that in a million years I wouldn’t have bought or even seen myself using but I admit that I really like it!
I think if someone gave me that necklace I would totally wear it too.
Watermelon really is just lots of water 🙂 So filling! And congrats on getting publishedddd!
That dinner looks delicious! I love going to a coffee shop and the library – such a perfect summer (or spring) day.
I never would have put watermelon and goat cheese together, but now that I think about it, it sounds delicious! It looks really pretty too!
I’m addicted to watermelon! I love finding stuff you thought you lost!
Is that necklace Amrita Singh? Its super adorable, I have a lot of her stuff and it looks really familiar. Its definitely the accent kind of jewelry, which I wish I wore more but I always end up going with my simple and delicate jewelry. I need to be more expressive with my accessories!
I get all confused with my dystopian books too! I usually have to read the amazon descriptions again before I read the sequels!
That watermelon looks so good! And I love finding things I forgot I had 🙂
Congrats on being published again 🙂 I love the fact that you’ve embraced Ocala like you have! It seems as though it’s working out well for you guys. Oh and there are so many publications there that I’ve never heard about..amazing.
Watermelon might just be my favorite fruit! It’s so refreshing and reminds me of summertime barbecues on our back patio in Florida. Ahhhh sigh, I miss Florida. There is nothing like that southern sunshine. On a plus, there’s little humidity and it’s “hot” when it’s 75-80 degrees up here. See ya frizzy hair!! 🙂
that salad looks amazing! YUM! I need to get my hands on some watermelon!
I haven’t combined watermelon and feta in such a long time. Ah, you are right, it’s delicious!
That salad looks delicious! Pinning it for future reference! 🙂
Yum! I haven’t gotten a watermelon yet this year because we’re STILL in the hotel and the knives here stink. But we’re FINALLY moving in to our new house this weekend, so I will definitely be getting myself a big old watermelon A-SAP! 😉
i have got to get a watermelon!
OH I do the same thing when I cut up watermelon! I love the center (who doesn’t??). I also loved Delirium and you need to read Pandemonium ASAP!! It was marvelous to say the least 🙂
So I know this unrelated to any post, but I was wondering if you can help me out. Since it is summer, we will be going to a lot of picnics and people tend to bring “comfort foods”. I would love to bring something that gives people the option of eating a little better. Do you have suggestions for healthy dishes to take to a potluck/picnic? (preferably without mayo so I don’t poison people with it spoiling in the summer heat)
I’ve had Pandemonium on my Kindle for weeks now and haven’t read it yet! I think I overdosed on dystopian novels between that, Hunger Games, and Divergent. I think it’s time to pick it up again so I can finish the 2nd books in both series!
Yum! I made your crockpot pulled pork tonight and it was SOOOO easy and yummy! Thanks for the tip. This salad looks amazing. I totally need to try that tomorrow. I had watermelon that was on sale from Publix this morning and I think I am going to head back and get more because it was sooo good. I saw your article in WUO a few weeks ago. Great job. Looking forward to your next one.
i love that necklace! i’ve been on the a search for a great statement necklace! 🙂
I think that the woman on the cover of the book looks like AnnaLynn McCord, you know, from the new 90210?!
Haha, I love Austin Powers! I crack up everytime you see the stick coming towards the mole. Moooooooole.
That is one of my favorite summer salads. It’s so refreshing! And Julie, I love your photography. Every dish you make looks amazing!
That necklace is soooo cute!!! What a fun statement piece. And I love the salad combo too. Watermelon + feta = big win
That salad looks good – I have to try it! When I saw that book cover model, she reminded me of Shawntel from The Bachelor.
Glad you had such a good day! Those watermelon balls look so pretty in your salad 🙂
Congrats on being published 🙂
Oh YUMM to that dinner! It looks awesome. And congrats again on getting published so much. You are a go-getter and that’s why you get things done AND scoring ’em all. Congrats 🙂
Love your necklace!
Next time add basil to that salad- takes the combo to the next level!
Super cute necklace!! Where’s your top from? 🙂
That necklace is seriously too cute! I was honestly sad you didn’t write what store its from but I guess you wouldn’t know since it was a gift. I’m currently reading Pandemonium and it’s actually really good. I thought I wouldn’t like it since the end of Delirium was so dissapointing but I’m on page 215 and really into it. I may even finish it tonight
I’m glad you didn’t lose the necklace- it’s gorgeous!
It must be so fun to see your name in published works!
Wait… Total creeper moment but from reading what is typed in the laptop pics it looks like relationship problems? Or was this just an exercise?
man! you have some good eyes! and it was actually the draft of a blog post you’ll see pop up today! 🙂
i’m so in love with that necklace-where is it from? it reminds me of the j crew bubble necklace that’s exploding all over the fashion blog world right now. LOVE it!!!
i think she got it at francesca’s.
I have quite the moles on my body, ick thankfully they aren’t hairy though 🙂
That salad looks so yummy! I absolutely love goat cheese, I really need to start buying it again!
I have that same necklace except its coral and pink, I LOVE IT! Perfect statement piece. And yes its from Francescas for those who were wondering, all their jewelry is so stunning!
That salad looks like perfection! I did not realize the sequel to Delirium was out. I better head to the library!
Ah Pandemonium is soo good! The only bummer is that the last book doesn’t come out until 2013. Boo!
Holy Hazelnuts! I’m reading Delirium at this very moment! I’m about halfway through, I really like it so far!
watermelon + feta = best salad ever
I made this salad today, but with feta cheese and the addition of lime juice and jalapeños. It was awesome!