Good morning! Yesterday afternoon I got tied up at the gym and wasn’t able to blog during break time like I anticipated, but I’m back today and am just sitting down at the computer after my usual 6 a.m. Tuesday morning spin class.
When the alarm goes off, it never feels easy to get out of bed and get my teaching game face on, but once I get to the spin studio and hop on the bike, the group exercise instructor fairy somehow helps me along and blesses me with some much-needed energy every time. Thank goodness!
The other day my boss at the gym checked in with me about teaching just to see where my head is at and I reiterated again that I really hope to continue teaching as long as I can before the baby comes. I feel so, so fortunate that my workouts have been able to stay fairly consistent and while I’ve had to make some modifications, I feel most like myself when I am working out and teaching. Let’s hope it continues!
Once I made it back home, it was time for a quick shower and breakfast. I have been on a HUGE cheese kick lately and ate a Honeycrisp apple with a few small slices of Jarlsberg cheese along with a bowl of egg white oatmeal (prepared with cocoa powder and peanut butter).
When my mother-in-law was in town, she got me hooked on the rich, buttery flavor of Jarlsberg cheese and I’ve been pairing it with apple or pear slices for a mid-morning or after-dinner snack every single day since her visit. (This morning I was too lazy to slice the apple so I just took a bite of apple and then took a bite of cheese. Whatever works.) The sweet + salty combination is so darn good!
Plans for the rest of the day include our 24-week prenatal appointment (I am SO ready for this and cannot wait to hear our little one’s heartbeat!), work and Girls On The Run. We have our big practice 5K this afternoon and I spent a little time organizing snacks and prizes for the girls while I ate breakfast this morning.
The practice 5K is my favorite practice of the season, so I’m really looking forward to it!!
Have a great Tuesday!
That oatmeal combo sounds perfect! Have a great appt today and cant wait to read this weeks preggo recap 🙂
Oh how I miss spin class. I wish my gym offered it at more convenient times for me.
I’ve been loving Jarlsberg cheese too. The hubby hates it, but I don’t know why. That stuff is delicious!
Isn’t it amazing!? I don’t think I had ever had it before my mother-in-law told me about it during her visit and now I cannot get enough!
Those bananas are the cutest! Great idea for a healthy and motivational snack 🙂 Can’t wait to hear all about your latest appointment!!
What a cute idea to write on the bananas. That’s awesome that you’re feeling so great during your pregnancy. Maintaining your fitness is so important but I can see how some ladies pregnancies get so rough that its difficult to do.
I would love to be one of those people that get’s up and workouts in the morning (take my dog for a run) but I just struggle SO much with the snooze button! Hopefully one day I can get into the routine.
The banana thing is adorable! Totally gonna steal it. 🙂
The group exercise fairy is my FAVORITE. I teach 6 spin classes a week and I rarely “look forward” to them but as soon as I get on the bike and get going I have a great time and love what I do! 🙂
I’m having an oatmeal aversion right now but your combo may be just the change to get me back into it!
Ob yeah and now I want cheese. 😉
Hi Julie! I think you’ve done a post on your morning routine before, but just out of curiosity, what time do you wake up to teach your 6am class? I take a 6am class nearby twice a week, and was just wondering how you wake up and pull yourself together quickly. I’m good if i know i have a class, but i’ve been dragging on the days where I plan to do my own workout.
Also, MAJOR kudos to you for doing this pregnant. Whew… I’m super impressed. XO
It’s funny how many workouts are like that, once you get started you love it, but sometimes crawling out of bed and getting there are the hardest parts!
Those bananas are too cute! I’m sure everyone will love it!
Kim .. Using your phone camera and PACKING tips!
You should try My Baby Beat. It’s an app that allows you to hear the baby’s heart beat. I bought it ($3.99) hesitantly, but it really does work! I’m 20 weeks pregnant and hearing the baby’s heart beat in between appointments definitely calms my nerves a bit 🙂
Love the bananas for Girls on the Run. They are so lucky to have you as a coach! You are going to make a wonderful mom!!
Will you continue to coach after the baby is born?
I would absolutely love to but I am definitely going to play it by ear! The fall season starts a month after my due date so I highly doubt I will be coaching then. I would love to coach for the spring season but would need childcare so I’m not sure. Still trying to figure things out! I absolutely love it and look forward to every practice so we will see!
I love cheese with fruit – such a classic combo. And that banana idea is adorable!
What fun banana notes!! The girls are going to love that!
I love those bananas. What a cute idea!
Lovr the motivational phrases on the bananas! Such a simple and cute idea!
It’s never easy to get up when the alarm goes off for an early class, but always worth it once you get there and see your participants! Have fun with the girls today!
I LOVE cheese and fruit! and LOVE those bananas- thats such a cute idea!
I just got accepted into my cycling studio’s instructor training program to become certified to teach there! I am so excited for this opportunity and it’ll be my first time teaching!
I absolutely LOVE the banana idea!!! I am hoping to get a 5 k running group started shortly and I’ll definitely be saving that idea 🙂
I’ve been on a crazy cheese kick the last couple weeks too! 😉 That Jarlsberg cheese you speak of sounds soooo good!
I bet you’re an awesome GOTR coach. Love your creativity and encouragement you show your girls!
I’ve been wanting to try your egg white oatmeal recipe for the longest time! I’ve been so busy lately during the mornings. Hopefully when home games start up again, I will have more time in the morning to cook a decent breakfast. Have fun today!!
Those bananas are so cute!
haha those inspirational bananas are cute!
I have to be at work at 5 am so I appreciate early wake up times. I somehow manage to be completely awake by the time I get there too. I think it has something to do with knowing I’m at work, so I have to be in “work mode”.
I love the banana inspiration idea! So cute and easy. Good for you for continuing to teach! My yoga teacher is also pregnant and has been amazing with teaching. She has someone else come in for core work, but besides that she’s been great!
Love how you wrote on the bananas for the girls! Cute idea. I miss coaching GOTR – I don’t have time in my schedule anymore but hope to someday do it again!
Those bananas are so so cute! Best GOTR coach ever!
It’s so awesome that you’re still able to workout so much! I think having an active job helps a lot — with my first pregnancy I had a job that required a lot of running around and heavy lifting, and I just kept doing it without thinking. This time around I had a very sedentary job, and I found that I had a lot more trouble with energy and weird aches when I would workout. I think we find the strength to push through what we have to, but it’s a lot harder to find the strength to push through the things that aren’t mandatory…
Those bananas are so cute! I’m sure your girls love having you as a coach!
Brilliant idea with the bananas!!! Love early morning spin. Ours starts at 7am though; we had pump at 7 this morning was brill!
Isn’t hearing your baby’s heart beat the best sound in the world! It never gets old! Love your banana idea!
Jarlsberg is SO DARN GOOD! Try it melted sometime, YUM!
Oh my gosh are those bananas adorable! Love the messages you wrote on them. Good luck to your girls 🙂
Those bananas=LOVE!! You are so adorable. It’s good to hear you feel like yourself when teaching a workout, that’s awesome! I think the first 4 months of my pregnancy I still hit the gym 2-3 days a week and did squats and dumbbells, but that eventually and sadly came to an end as it was just my laziness and the couch looked more appealing. . However, I did a ton of walking the rest of my pregnancy. Since Claire was a winter baby (boo), come Jan and Feb I couldn’t really go anywhere. So I just sucked it up and enjoyed the quiet until she arrived. 😉
Wish me some luck as this Sunday I’m doing my first race ever, a 5 miler!! I’ve been running a lot more and I guess sort of ‘training’ since early March. I love it but I also listen to my body when there’s pain. I’m excited and nervous. My longest run ever was two weeks at 4.51 miles.
Happy almost 3-0! You and my BFF share the same bday 😉
*two weeks ago* I should note. 😉
Those bananas are adorable!
And I love Jarlsberg cheese, especially in the apples n’ cheese combination. There’s an awesome brand called Swiss Lace or Alpine Lace, I think.
In coach Girls on the Run too, and will definitely steal your banana idea for our practice 5k! 🙂
Cheeriest bananas ever! I just joined the Board of Directors for my local GOTR chapter, and our 5K is coming up soon!
So awesome!!
I would highly recommend sharp cheddar cheese and a slice of apple pie. I am not sure if it is a New England thing, but this is my favorite way to have apple pie. Such a treat!
I seriously want to start writing myself little pick-me-ups on my bananas!
Apples + cheese= AWESOME
Have thought about purchasing a doppler so you can hear the heartbeat anytime? I bought one for ~$50 and it’s the best investment to have an at-home-whenever-I-want listen to the baby. I have a sonoline B.
for me it was Jarlsburg and asparagus on toast. mmmmmmmmmm
I’ve never heard of Jarlsberg cheese before. Where do you find it? I wonder if Publix would have it or if I’d need to make a whole foods trip? I’ve been making your 3 minute egg white oatmeal religiously for the past few weeks and loving it. I don’t think I’ll ever go back to plain ole oatmeal. The egg whites really make it!
cocoa powder + oatmeal is my FAVORITE. I have it almost daily, and I love seeing others have the combination!
That writing on the bananas is a cute Idea, we are going to have our practice 5k coming up as well, I might have to try that
My bro got me into that cheese. Sooooo good! Perfect snack.