Thanks so much for all of you well wishes following my post about my trip to the emergency room on Saturday night. It was definitely an unnerving experience, but I’m glad it wasn’t any worse. After resting most of the day yesterday, I am feeling much better today!
My Monday began as usual with an early morning workout that focused on my legs. I kept cardio on the lighter side and completed a 10 minute elliptical warm up and cool down.
The lower body strength portion of my workout included squats, dead lifts, lunges, leg extensions and hamstring stability ball curls. It was a good one!
I will be heading back to the gym as soon as this blog post is published for work. I am subbing for another group exercise instructor today and hope it goes well!
The highlight of my morning meal was almond butter!
Last night I prepped a bowl of overnight oats and stirred a small spoonful of almond butter into the mix. This morning, I added another scoop on top and loved the addition of the creamy nut butter!
Nice and filling!
Now it’s time for a fun giveaway for those of you out there who may be interested in starting your own blog!
Start Blogging Now
Every single day, I receive emails from people who want to begin blogging but don’t know where to start. They’re excited, enthusiastic and completely overwhelmed. I typed up my Blog Talk Tuesdays series to help address the most common questions I receive, but when it comes to coding and all that jazz, most questions are way over my head.
When my friend and go-to web guy, Tim, emailed me about his new business, I knew I want to help spread the word. Tim is so, so knowledgeable and explains things in a way that makes them easy to understand which, as someone who is extremely intimidated by html coding and website set up, I really appreciate!
Tim recently launched Start Blogging Now, a six-week program detailing everything you need to know about setting up a blog, self-hosting, great plug-ins, high-quality themes, SEO, social media and more.
Each week there will be an in-depth video for participants to download and watch at their own pace or as often as needed. In addition, there will be written instructions, helpful links, and any necessary files that may be needed.
Here are the topics for each week:
The program also includes a weekly conference call to answer any lingering questions.
For the first 100 people who sign up, the program is $70, 50 percent off the normal enrollment price of $140. Tim also offers a 30-day money back guarantee, so if you are not satisfied halfway through the course, you can request a refund.
The first session will begin on August 1 and one PBF reader will win free access to the program!
To enter this giveaway, simply comment below, telling me what excites you the most about blogging. I will randomly select a winner on Tuesday.
Good luck!
Meredith says
I keep going back and forth about starting a blog. I am a mom of 3 under 3, including a set of twins. I feel like that has the makings for a good blog!! Would love the help in getting started, I’m not totally sure where to begin!
Glad you are feeling better! Scary!!
Morgan says
I love the community – I’d love to be a part of the blogging community!
Shaun Maddex says
I love to blog! Giving people a window into successes and struggles and connecting with others who may just need to know they aren’t alone!
Laura says
I created my own blog about two months ago, so this would be exactly what I need to make it all I want it to be and more!
Souda says
I blog as a way to document the special moments in my life. Sort of an online photo diary. I also love it as an outlet to sharing all the things I learn along the way in regards to travelling, fashion and every day lifestyle. The best part about blogging is being able to put a great post together (beautiful photos, creative writing and my penchant for organization) and pressing that “Post” button. So satisfying! I’ve got all the ideas, just in need of a way to put it out into the world in an effective and pleasant manner.
Jennifer says
I am in the process of creating a blog (mostly brainstorming and prep work stuff now…) but am excited to share my thoughts, ideas, passions, and highs and lows in life. I want readers to feel encouraged and inspired by what they read in my blog!
Bethany says
I started blogging as a way to document the things that are happening in our lives…but the longer I’ve been doing it the more I’ve realized what an awesome community of bloggers there are. I love it!
Emily says
I am most excited about the opportunity to be more transparent in my day-to-day activities and share with readers how I live a healthy, sustainable life while still living in a major city!
Janice says
This is exactly what I need to kickstart my blog! I am looking forward to growing my blog and meeting other bloggers.
Christa @ Situps & Sequins says
I recently started blogging and I think my favorite part is the opportunity to motivate and inspire others, that I wouldn’t otherwise be able to reach. It also keeps me motivated too! If I know others are reading my blog for new workouts and recipes, it makes me try even harder to go above and beyond. I also love that there is such a positive community of healthy living bloggers out there. I’m “new to the scene” but it seems like everyone it more than willing to give advice and support one another!
Carly @ Snack Therapy says
My blog isn’t big by any stretch of the imagination, but I love it. I love having a creative outlet and a way to express my thoughts, but more than anything, I love the friends I’ve made through blogging. It’s pretty incredible!
Amber says
I’ve kept a blog off and on, but I can never keep up with it. My life doesn’t seem all that exciting! I love writing though, so maybe this would be the push I need 🙂
Alyssa S. says
I have thought about starting a blog, and this program seems like it would give me the push to actually do it!
Jill C. says
I’m excited just about sharing my life with whoever wants to read about it. I’ve never kept a journal, so this is sort of my journal experience now 🙂
Blake Balcom says
Winning this would be absolutely perfect for me! I am a student in my last few semesters of college and I have been thinking about starting a blog for about two years now, I just need that kick start to begin! I love to cook heathy foods and workout! By starting a blog I would be able to encourage people to do the same.
Becky @ Olives n Wine says
I love meeting new friends through the blogging world!
Meredith B. says
I’ve been toying with the idea of starting a blog for a while now, so this would definitely be the push I need to start!
Kenzie says
I started blogging a year ago, during a time when my physical activity was limited due to medical treatments. Health is my true passion and I wanted to stay connected to the fitness world! I’m healthy now, and still love blogging – writing and reading – but I have SO much to learn. I am most excited about connecting with other people who share similar passions and can inspire each other! 🙂
Andrea R. says
I love to blog because reading other peoples blogs was the saving grace and the push I needed to seek help for disordered eating! I thank all of those people from the bottom of my heart! I have started my own blog of running/fitness/eating/nutrition and sharing my recovery with people so I can help impact others as well!!!
Casey @ Salted Plates says
I love sharing my discoveries with others
Caitlin F. says
I love the blogging community and have always wanted to be a part of it, but every time I decide to start my blog I get overwhelmed and put it off. This class may be just what I need!
Jenn F. says
I want to start blogging because I want to share my health and fitness journey: from being an overweight child to finding a healthy way to lose the weight as a young adult to going through a kidney transplant at age 28 to running half marathons. I am so inspired by other bloggers, I hope that I can inspire others too.
Tracey says
I love how blogging allows people to express their feelings/stories for themselves, but also for others to read about and relate to or enjoy.
Amanda says
I would love this course to hel me get started. It seems a little overwhelming to get going on your own and this would be perfect!
Thanks for making this available
Mari @ Food for Life says
I love the ability to impact others by sharing my heart and passions.
Susie says
Jumping off the cliff is scary!
Looking for a way to vent my creativity, hone my writing skills and share with a larger world than the one that surrounds me.
Heather says
My first blog post actually went up yesterday. I have had the domain and website for awhile but finally went full force last night. I am a working mother of 2 one of whom has a hearing disability and both have busy schedules. I would love to win this to gain some additional insight.
Amanda says
I just started blogging my blog a couple weeks ago! I love how it motivates me to try new things, health and fitness wise, and provides support and accountability from my (mostly imaginary at this point) readers. Would love to learn how to do it right!
Kaylynne says
I love that through Blogging, I can provide my family (especially grandparents!) and friends from afar a glimpse into my day to day life. it motivates me to eat better, exercise more and definitely gives me to YOLO mindset so I have stuff to write about!
Lauren says
As a new blogger, I am always researching and trying to figure out the coding aspect of blogging. I would love to win so that I could enhance and better my blog! There is always something to learn!
Claire says
The fitness and health blogging community seems so amazing, I would love to have the help to become a part of that!
Ally says
My dad is starting a company and I would love to help him run it on the technical side with a blog. I think blogging is a great way to reach out to the world!
Rachel says
I started a blog a few years ago and never kept it up. I moved away after college and it was such a nice way for my family and friends back home to keep up with my daily life. So much has changed since then and I would love to start over and have the guidance to keep it up!
Amanda says
I would love to win access to this class! I am completing my certification as a holistic health coach and a blog will definitely be part of my outreach. Having access to this course will really help to make this become a reality. Fingers crossed I win 😉
Emily says
I want to use my blog to help others make positive changes to their lives, and to connect with people with similar interests, life circumstances, and values.
Katie @ KatieEnPursuit says
Great post, glad you’re feeling better! Start Blogging Now sounds really neat! One of the most exciting things about blogging to me is the fact that I get to write my own thoughts & people actually read it! It’s like the “they care about little old me”?? feeling 🙂
Casey says
This is a great giveaway. 🙂 I used to have a blog but had so many questions about it. I’m looking to start up another one. My favorite thing about blogging is the writing part—I love sharing through words!
Brittney says
I’ve been playing with the idea of blogging…I have a name and domain bought and everything! But I’m also hopeless with technology, so this would be just what I needed to get started 🙂
Glad you’re feeling better!
Laura says
I wanted to start a blog to detail my journey to complete a half ironman next year but have no clue-this course would be perfect! I love the sense of community blogs have and the ability to get advice and ideas from random people 🙂
Lauren says
I just started a blog and love it! However, I do get tripped up on the coding and such and things take me way too long to figure out! I would love this opportunity to learn more and make my site better while saving a bit of time to concentrate on other things!
Xai says
I love blogging (and reading blogs!) because of the balance of sharing personal experiences with others and having useful content for people to read. It’s a bit tricky but also fun and exciting!
Monica says
My sister and I started a blog a little over a year ago to stay in touch(she lives an hour away) and share our passions and have spent a lot of time figuring out things ourselves- it has been an amazing start I something we both love! We have reached a point where we just need more guidance than what we can give ourselves and this seems PERFECT! Would love any and all tips on how to take our blog to the next level 🙂
Tara@PNWRunner says
I am so happy that I started blogging back in April. I love reading others thoughts as well as sharing my own. I admit at first it was hard learning everything and I know I have a long way to go. Thanks for the “how tos” they helped me so much!
Kelsey says
I am getting ready to start a new chapter in my life…and although I have blogged in the past here and there I am ready to commit to blogging regularly – it helps me celebrate the little moments in life!!
Tonya says
I am so inspired by other blogs, so am excited to have to opportunity to inspire others with my blog!
Janay Campin says
I’ve been blogging off and on for the passed 8 months but have been really nervous on the whole blogging thing that I think I’m too intimidated to go full force. I would love to learn more about blogging before purchasing a domain and giving 110% of my time into it. I would love to join this program in hopes to learn more and not be so scared to get out there fully! 🙂
Julia Cantor says
This couldn’t be a more perfect time to hear about this course – I have been trying to blog for a while, but just a month ago really got back into it and found a groove with a new blog. I’d love to learn more about successful blogging to get a jump-start!
Jennifer Henshall says
As a stay-at-home mother of two little girls, ages 3 and 1, blogging enables me to keep the creative side of my brain “in-check.” In my former life as a communication specialist and college instructor, I spent a lot of time writing and researching. Since becoming a full-time stay-at-home mom in December of 2011, I’ve relied on hobbies, such as blogging, to satisfy that urge for more creativity in my life.
Amber says
I’m currently pregnant and the majority of my family and friends are spread all over the place! I recently started a blog to share my pregnancy journey but I know that I have a very long way to go and there is so much I don’t know.
I would love the opportunity to learn more and expand my blog!
Andrea Ovard says
I started a blog a few years back but haven’t really known where to go with it. I would love to get some tips and ideas. I think blogging is a great way to share ideas, meet people, and be creative! 🙂
Lyda says
I love the community and all the great information people are willing to share on their blogs especially in the world of health and nutrition! It helped me get a sense of how to eat properly and fuel my body and every day I learn something new or find new recipe ideas!
I ve had a blog for a while now and it excites me so much when someone at my gym says they are following my blog or mentions a recipe/article I posted.
Only thing is that I am not computer savvy at all! I wish I knew (or had the time even) all the coding and ways to make the most of my blog. This course sounds amazing!