Today I have the most amazing giveaway for you guys! It’s easily one of the most valuable giveaways I’ve ever hosted on this blog and I have a feeling you guys will be psyched!
Anyone need a new blender?
As I am sure you can see, this is not your typical run-of-the-mill blender. It’s a Blendtec blender, valued at $455!
This fancy blender is high-powered (1560 watts) and laughs in the face of ice and rock-hard frozen fruit. (It actually comes with an ice-crushing guarantee, which I found humorous.) For those of you who can never seem to make a smooth smoothie, that shouldn’t be a problem with this bad boy.
The Blendtec is high-powered enough to be used as a food processor and easily blends nuts into creamy nut butter! You can use it to make soup, milkshakes, dips, marinades, pesto, jam, mousse and more.
As you can see below, the buttons on the front of the Blendtec make it easy to understand which setting to choose to properly blend whatever delicious foods or liquids you’ve placed in the blender.
This giveaway is sponsored by the awesome people at Stonyfield and when they reached out to me about this giveaway, I couldn’t jump on board fast enough.
One PBF reader will receive a Blendtec blender and a bunch of delicious Stonyfield Blends organic yogurt! The French vanilla yogurt is my favorite and is a fantastic base for creamy fruit smoothies. And I highly recommend sticking the strawberry banana yogurt in the freezer for an hour or so like I did one day because it makes one heck of a yummy, dessert-like snack!
To enter this giveaway, simply comment on this post, telling me why you’d like to win this amazing blender and Stonyfield Blends yogurt. I will randomly select one winner next Friday, February 22.
For additional giveaway entries you may:
- Tweet some variation of the following: “Hoping to win a @Blendtec blender & #StonyfieldBlends yogurt from @PBFingers:”
- Like Stonyfield on Facebook
- Sign up for the Blendtec Recipe of the Week
Please be sure to leave a separate comment on this post for each additional giveaway entry you do so I can be sure to make it count!
Good luck!
I subscribed to the recipe of the week
I drink smoothees every mornng for beakfast, but mine is no good when it comes to ice or, heaven forbid, frozen strawberries!
I would love to win these fabulous prizes because I drink a protein smoothie everyday! My blender is old and there’s always chunks in my smoothies! I, of course, love yogurt as well!! Thanks for a great giveaway!
Signed up for the Blendtec recipes!
I tweeted!! 🙂
My current blender started making horrid sounds today! I is need a new blender ASAP!
I would love to win this giveaway because I LOVE smoothies, soups, and sauces…and yogurt…I love yogurt. 🙂
‘Liked’ Stonyfield on facebook!
Liked on Facebook 🙂
I would love this, because we recently started making green smoothies (which all 4 of my kids LOVE), but I think our cheap, 8 year old blender is struggling with some of them.
I love to make smoothies, but my blender just broke! This would be so perfect!
I need a new blender so bad!! We love smoothies and Stonyfield French Vanilla is the yogurt of choice at my house.
I love to make healthy smoothies, but my blender cannot handle ice or much of anything frozen. It overheats and shuts itself off at the slightest thing, which is so frustrating! I would love to have a new awesome blender that actually blends 🙂
I love making smoothies before work and the yogurt and blender would be a perfect addition to my morning routine!
I only have a cheapie blender and have recently been trying some if the smoothies from your site!!! My cheapo is going to die soon!!!! This would be lovely! Can’t wait to try more recipes!!!
Well, I love yogurt to begin with… especially with granola or fruit 🙂 I’ve also never had a full-size blender, but have always wanted one!!
I don’t have a functional blender and those yogurts look tasty.
I wanna win because I love smoothies!
I would love a blender!
Me me me! I love making smoothies for breakfast and this blender looks awesome!
What an amazing give-away – I use my blender constantly, and it’s on its last legs, so this would be fantastic!!
I do smoothies every morning with my low quality blender. Would love to have such a great blender! And i’d love to experiment with making soups and more!
My family’s blender is SO old, so I would definitely LOVE to win a new one! I would make so many smoothies I’d probably turn into one! 🙂
I tweeted about the giveaway!
I’d love to win this blender because I cannot convince my hubby to buy a VitaMix – he can’t justify the price 😛
I liked the Stoneyfield facebook page!
I would love to make awesome smoothies and nut butters with this blender!!!
I would love to win the blender to be able to make smoothies! Our blender is not good with ice! Also I love yogurt of any kind!!
I’ve signed up for the Blendtec recipes!
I’m lazy to chop and my blender now needs some help. I’ve chopped many spatulas up as I try to push down food. I love making smoothies and shakes!
OMG! I would love to win a Blendtec blender; imagine the possibilities!!! Stonyfield’s French Vanilla is my favorite too.
I would LOVE this blender! Smoothies just aren’t the same when they aren’t smooth! My kids would live on the smoothie!
Signed up for the Blendtec recipes too!
I love making but butters but my food processor leaves them gritty. Smooth homemade pb would’ve a dream!!
“Liked” Stonyfield on Facebook and left a comment.
I just recently discovered your blog and I’m a huge fan! I look forward to your posts each day! This is such a fantastic giveaway! I’d love a blender like this! I’m a law student and my crazy schedule makes it really tough to eat healthy since I’m constantly on the move (or sitting in a library.) Smoothies are the perfect solution because they’re easy to make quickly and take to class!
Liked stonyfield on facebook
I would love this blender to make recovery smoothies after my long runs!
Wow! What an amazing giveaway! I would love love love this blender because My blender situation currently entails a small single serving magic bullet. It cannot grind any veggies unless I first put them into a chopper. It takes forever to blend a broken frozen banana- it is super pathetic!!!! I found out a few months ago that I have celiac and smoothies have really helped to calm my digestive system and aid in healing. I would love a blender that would make having smoothies so much easier and that would allow my to include more vegetables in them. A new blender would allow me to test out all the amazing smoothie recipes you have on your site!!!! Plus- stonyfield yogurt would be delicious in any smoothie- my favorite yogurt!!!
I am a college student studying to become a registered dietitian and would use the blender for education purposes! I couldn’t think of any other way to use it!
This would be great for all the protein smoothies we make at our house! And yogurt is the best addition to a good smoothie!
I don’t have a blender. I’d love a Blendtec!
I would love to have this to make smoothies and soups!!
i would LOVE to win this because my blender just broke! i have an obsession with smoothies and protein shakes, so i need a new one stat!!
I would love a Blendtec blender!! Post workout smoothies, after school snacks for the kiddos. I’m dreaming of all the possibilities 🙂
I am currently a in college working towards becoming a registered dietitian. I can’t afford an amazing blender, but would love to be able to whip up healthy smoothies for myself and my family, and also to have something light, nutritious, and easy to take to class.
I liked stonyfield on Facebook…
I tweeted about the Blendtec giveaway! And I must really want this because I never tweet!!
I would love this blender so I can make smoothies every morning without them being so chunky!
Also signed up for the blendtec recipes.