Take note: If you call someone’s office phone and they don’t answer, don’t just assume they took an early lunch break and drive over to meet up with them anyway.
Lesson learned!
At around 11:30 a.m., I drove to Marion Senior Services in hopes of meeting with the volunteer coordinator to discuss ways to get involved in the Ocala community with senior citizens. I spoke with a woman at my gym yesterday who distributes meals to people in need and when I expressed interest in volunteering, she directed me to Marion Senior Services.
I popped in late this morning only to find that the volunteer coordinator doesn’t work on Fridays. Bummer.
The woman behind the front desk encouraged me to come back on Monday and handed me a volunteer application for me to fill out in the meantime.
I had lunch plans with a friend this afternoon, but she had to cancel at the last minute. I was already standing in the shopping plaza when I found out she couldn’t meet up and when I turned around to head home, this lovely sight greeted me:
Downpour! You know it’s summer in Florida when the skies are sunny one minute and the next minute there’s a torrential downpour. Yikes.
I noticed a Starbucks within walking distance and since I could get there by walking underneath an awning, I stopped in for lunch and a misto.
Table for one, please! (Pretty sure no one would want to sit with me anyway. I look like a creepy serial killer in that picture. That’s what I get for trying to take a discreet picture in Starbucks.)
I initially thought about ordering a hot panini, but for some reason a cold turkey and Swiss sandwich sounded great.
I added mustard to my sandwich and ate it while blogging away and emailing with some of you fine people! (I had my laptop on me in my tote bag, thankfully.)
The Strangest Thing in Your Purse
Now, since it’s Friday and I’m pretty sure we all love a good laugh on Fridays, I wanted to share some of the responses I received from a question I posted on the PBF Facebook page this morning.
The question: What is the most random thing in your purse right now?
I said that a rogue sock is the strangest thing in my purse right now. Thanks to static-cling, it ended up on my shirt earlier this week and I didn’t noticed it until I got in my car and stuffed it in my purse where it remains.
Your replies cracked me up:
- Tiny jar of jam
- Rocks
- Can of cat food
- Ketchup
- Rogue sock (Seriously! I’m not the only one!)
- Stress ball in the shape of a boob
- Catnip mouse
Since I laughed at every response on the Facebook page, I wanted to open up the question on the blog this afternoon…
Question of the Afternoon
- What is the strangest thing in your purse right now?
Aside from my rogue sock, I also happen to have three Bonne Bell Dr. Pepper chapsticks in my purse. My all-time favorite!
Not too strange, but I always have a packet of instant oatmeal in my purse. You never know when you may need it! And no less than seven lip glosses. I need choices!
hahhaa rocks! That one is funny! I can imagine that person collecting ’em and all. And a spoon is the strangest thing in my purse right now! Actually, it’s there most of the time, but I have yet to take it out. 😀
5 different types of sticky notes. Never know when you might need those!
13 unwrapped mints covered in lint, as well as 3 balls of cat fur. I think my purse is where things go to die?? Looks like my afternoon project is cleaning out my purse!!
a clothes hanger. also a rogue sock!!
LOL! how BIG is your purse?!
It’s kind of a beach bag…
Well being a guy I don’t carry a purse or even a man purse, so I’ll refer to my wallet and I have floss in the shape of a credit card.
oh my gosh, i am so jealous!!! my ex-bf in high school had a floss card and i thought it was the coolest thing b/c i’ve been in way too many situations where i wish i had floss with me. i suppose i could just carry it in my purse, but a floss card just seems so practical.
My dentist gives out floss cards at every visit, but I need to use the easy glide floss, so it just stacks up. It is handy though.
The strangest thing in my purse is straight up floss…not even a fancy card shaped one! I HAVE to keep floss with me because I will go crazy if I have stuff stuck in my teeth and I can’t get it out. And that always happens to me when ever I eat apples-which I eat a lot!
I have a 2 pack of white out wheels (the dry kind you can just put straight to paper), waiting to take to work with me this weekend.
mini bottle of hot sauce!
I have five books (The Great Gatsby, Mrs. Dalloway, The Fault in Our Stars, Everything is Illuminated, and The Fang Family.) My bookshelf has been wondering where its buddies went!
Strangest thing in my purse right now is a christmas photo of my sisters and I from about 15 or more years ago (wow) where my mom dressed us up in dorky christmas vests and took us to JCpenny photo studios. Good times.
A mini lantern! I went to Bonnaroo (music festival in TN) a couple of weeks ago and my friend left it at our campsite. I’m meeting up with her this weekend so I’ve been carrying it in my purse for a couple of days. Every time I see it I have a huge urge to make some smores at my desk!
A 25′ tape measure (pink of course)… my husband and I just moved into a new house, and are finishing the basement in our old one for a renter, so it’s always handy!
I just looked and I actually have a hammer in my purse! We just moved into a “fixer upper” so I must have put it in my purse when I was going over to the house one day and forgot about it haha
cinnamin shaker!
cinnamon*** i can actually spell!..sometimes 😛
Hmm..I don’t think I have anything strange in my purse right now. I feel left out! Haha.
I just looked and I have so many random things at the bottom of my purse! Batteries, A spoon, a kinder surprise toy (which is a plastic toy car) and iron vitamins (not in a vitamin bottle) …hahaha this made me laugh! so random. Besides the weird things, my purse is stuffed to the top with all the normal girly items we all carry around!
The strangest thing in my purse is melted gum wrappers! I like your headband it’s cute. You don’t look like a creepy. Serial killer 🙂
Crushed red pepper! I actually rotate through 3 purses and have one in each purse so I’m certain I’ll never leave home without it!
A baby facecloth!
I do this too!!
I have a corkscrew, which might not be too weird. You just never know when you might have a wine emergency!
Haha, I have a bag of cat treats in my purse… because you never know when you run into a cat you like.. 🙂
I have actually distributed them liberally at my last visit to the Humane Society.
This is too funny! I have a few strange items in my purse. I have pink hair shadow that I bought and just threw in my purse. I have a pair of CLEAN underwear in my purse, for those times you forget to bring a new pair to the gym. I have cinnamon and a mini hot sauce bottle. Gotta have spice in your life! I work 10hr work days so I bring a lot of stuff to work “just in case”. LOL, I’m such a dork.
Currently have red pepper flakes in my purse right now! (long story)
these are crackin’ me up … I want floss in the shape of a credit card! I have a little purse, so it’s devoid of anything too strange, although my wallet does have a “pocket version” of the US Constitution that my 10th grade Civics teacher gave me and I just neeeeeverr took out.
Again, I have no fun answers for this. I have my wallet, a bag for my coins,a hair tie and a lip balm. Nothing else is needed!
I’ll have to go with a doggie poop bag. I find these all over the place… my purse, my car, in the pocket of every article of clothing I own! I must be really worried about my little pug’s bathroom habits.
A tiny blue alligator dog toy lol
I have a couple sample packets of grape jelly (I always stash these from our fave bfast restaurant), jingle bells ( from a festive church service), and a packet of salt (I don’t EVEN know!)
A concert ticket for MGK, a rubber ducky and 2 filled water balloons (??)
OK, this cracks me up. My husband claims that the inside of my purse is the scariest place in which to reach a hand. 🙂 Today’s random items include: pyrex container from my oatmeal (washed out, luckily), a hair claw with half the teeth broken off that I can’t bring myself to throw out, and an extra sports bra to change into later.
LOL I loved Bonne Bell when I was younger! I swear, I had TONS of them and didn’t ever really use them (because I just liked to smell them instead lol), except for this lime one that had sparkles in it and made my lips look all frosty. Terrible, terrible look but at the time I thought I was the bomb. Right now, the strangest thing in my purse is a spoon – actually make that 2 spoons. Not sure how they get there but now I know why we keep running out so quickly in the kitchen!
These are hilarious! (especially the hanger!!) The weirdest thing I’ve got right now is a fork (stainless, not plastic) 😉
Fossilized shark teeth and stingray barbs. I used to be a kayak guide and I would show people how to find them on a beach that had a dredging pile. If I found good ones I would put them in my purse on my way home and always forgot to take them out. Now they just remind me of my old job.
By the way, I used frozen bananas in my smoothie the other day and it was AWESOME! Thanks for the suggestion.
Tea bags…always gotta be prepared 😉
A button. A mini tape measurer. One of those strawberry candies with the goo inside. A cheat sheet for an interview I don’t even have yet. Old prescription eye drops. About 100 box tops. A UGA face tattoo from last football season. 5 kinds of lipgloss/chapstick. Not one but two pairs of earphones. A tennis ball. Stamps… this is ridiculous hahaha I don’t even want to look in the side pockets…
I just ate the candy. Cleaning is fun!
You made me laugh way too hard. 🙂
i love those strawberry candies!
part of my tooth that fell out when eating gum this morning.. just in case the dentist wants to see it?
This is so embarrassing, but I have one of those urine containers they give you at the doctors (not used, of course!) I also have a full box of clarinet reeds, a gingerbread shaped hand sanitizer, and a ton of snacks.
Just last week I found a lime in a side pocket of my purse. I had to think about it for a while to figure out how long it had been there- two weeks! So I switched back to my small cross-body bag, because things are less likely to accumulate. A guy once told me he would never date a girl who carried a purse big enough to fit a human head. Strange, but probably a good call!!
Mine would have to be a tablespoon measuring spoon! I wanted to have one to keep at work for portioning and forgot to take it out of my purse yesterday haha
I switch purses a lot so I don’t tend to accumulate too much, but I always have my card from the froyo place I go to where they stamp it for each time I go. One more until free froyo!
I’m not sure if this is considered wierd but I have my work ID in my pocketbook even though I work from home and have not been into the office for over a yr. I also have my spare car key in my wallet and also have 6 movie tix gift certificates in my wallet….too funny! 🙂
Hmmm, I’d say a whistle? Not sure what else.. I have been known to carry deodorant and almond butter in my bag though. 🙂
Hello Kitty Band-aids!
Oh my god me too!!! That is totally weird and random! You must have a 3 or 4 year old girl in your life 🙂
haha actually, no! I was out one night and had just bought new balllet flats that were blistering my feet. I stopped by CVS for band-aids and the were the smallest package that I could find that would fit in my purse. They’re really cute though so I just use them for myself as needed 🙂 Very random! haha
I’ve got Hello Kitty, Dora, Barbie and Disney princess band-aids in mine! Four small girls requires 4 DIFFERENT kinds of band-aids 🙂
aw, i love this!
Believe it or not, a baggie filled with dried basil seeds from my Mom. She gave them to me to plant some basil and then she asked me to bring her the left over seeds. It’s been in my purse for 2 weeks now and it looks like I have a bag of weed kicking around in there!
Bummer…I just cleaned out my purse so mine is pretty boring.
I did have too many receipts, gum wrappers, silverware and clean socks (don’t remember why I put those in there but I guess I never needed them).
haha…I currently have an entire bottle of Downy Wrinkle Release in my tote bag. I’ve been carrying it around for two days now. Not a light load.
a corkscrew and measuring tape
yeah I have a mini unopened jar of honey from lunch a few days ago that I snagged from the boars head inn in va….haha it’s actually a really fancy place and I swiped honey per my aunt’s influence (it better have been free! Lol)
I have 3 of those yellow foam ear plugs? haha so random