Take note: If you call someone’s office phone and they don’t answer, don’t just assume they took an early lunch break and drive over to meet up with them anyway.
Lesson learned!
At around 11:30 a.m., I drove to Marion Senior Services in hopes of meeting with the volunteer coordinator to discuss ways to get involved in the Ocala community with senior citizens. I spoke with a woman at my gym yesterday who distributes meals to people in need and when I expressed interest in volunteering, she directed me to Marion Senior Services.
I popped in late this morning only to find that the volunteer coordinator doesn’t work on Fridays. Bummer.
The woman behind the front desk encouraged me to come back on Monday and handed me a volunteer application for me to fill out in the meantime.
I had lunch plans with a friend this afternoon, but she had to cancel at the last minute. I was already standing in the shopping plaza when I found out she couldn’t meet up and when I turned around to head home, this lovely sight greeted me:
Downpour! You know it’s summer in Florida when the skies are sunny one minute and the next minute there’s a torrential downpour. Yikes.
I noticed a Starbucks within walking distance and since I could get there by walking underneath an awning, I stopped in for lunch and a misto.
Table for one, please! (Pretty sure no one would want to sit with me anyway. I look like a creepy serial killer in that picture. That’s what I get for trying to take a discreet picture in Starbucks.)
I initially thought about ordering a hot panini, but for some reason a cold turkey and Swiss sandwich sounded great.
I added mustard to my sandwich and ate it while blogging away and emailing with some of you fine people! (I had my laptop on me in my tote bag, thankfully.)
The Strangest Thing in Your Purse
Now, since it’s Friday and I’m pretty sure we all love a good laugh on Fridays, I wanted to share some of the responses I received from a question I posted on the PBF Facebook page this morning.
The question: What is the most random thing in your purse right now?
I said that a rogue sock is the strangest thing in my purse right now. Thanks to static-cling, it ended up on my shirt earlier this week and I didn’t noticed it until I got in my car and stuffed it in my purse where it remains.
Your replies cracked me up:
- Tiny jar of jam
- Rocks
- Can of cat food
- Ketchup
- Rogue sock (Seriously! I’m not the only one!)
- Stress ball in the shape of a boob
- Catnip mouse
Since I laughed at every response on the Facebook page, I wanted to open up the question on the blog this afternoon…
Question of the Afternoon
- What is the strangest thing in your purse right now?
Aside from my rogue sock, I also happen to have three Bonne Bell Dr. Pepper chapsticks in my purse. My all-time favorite!
hahaha i love reading everyones answers!!!
A fork!
Pink Mardi Gras beads! I participated in the Chicago Avon Walk in early June and I threw them in my purse before heading through security at O’Hare! I guess you can tell how often I clean out my purse.. GUILTY!
Haha oh geez this is embarrasing but I found a hunk off of my laptop in my tote … now if I can figure out how to reassemble it …
Ping Pong balls! hahaha I really dont even know why they are in there or how they got there! 🙂
Seashells from my home in SoCal. Reminds me of home now that I’m on the East Coast.
Oh my purse houses EVERYTHING. It is so heavy, I blame it for my bursitis in my shoulder last year. I have about 4 or 5 dental floss packs, two toothbrushes, a plastic fork (cause you never know when you’ll get offered food, glass cleaner, 2 eye drops, contact case, spare glasses, sunglasses, reading glasses, toilet seat covers, a pocket magnifier, a broken calculator, bifocal lenses from my glasses, hand sanitizer, about eight pens, tablets, chapstick and an extra set of car keys, among the normal wallet, change purse, checkbook, etc.
Haha, I love that you KNOW the calculator is broken and yet still keep it in your purse!
I have a tennis ball that mysteriously appeared in my purse (probably from when my purse was sitting by my feet when I was on the computer and wasn’t paying enough attention to my needy boxer)!
I walked outside yesterday and the sun was shining and not a cloud in the sky, and it started pouring. By the time I got to my car, I was soaked from head to toe. Got to love Florida! And I found a dog bone in my bag. I’m not sure if I put it in there or one of my dogs. It is always good to be prepared just in case 🙂
A can of tuna, several ziploc bags (???), and Flintstones vitamins! Gah, they’re delicious!
Flintstone vitamins are awesome! I love them, but end up eating them like candy! I am a big fan of the adult gummy vitamins!
My purse is a super gathering place of the random.
I have a voucher from a slot machine for 45 cents…
One banana
5 chapsticks
And a package of 20 needles…. I got laughed at for pulling this out at dinner the other day, but you never know when you need an emergency sewing kit at work!
You also know you’re a dog owner when you find cleanup bags in every purse and jacket pocket you own!
My purse is so boring. I need to go stuck some pasta or a candle in there right away.
I clean my purse every week because I hate all the receipts that seem to gather. But currently the strangest thing are two smooshed pennies from Gettysburg. I guess i keep them in there for good luck? lol.
I am super anal about my purse staying neat. So anything that goes in there that doesn’t normally belong comes out immediately once I walk in the door. It drives me crazy to have extra stuff in my purse. Obviously I am weird.
Probably the most random thing in my purse right now is a plastic fork, no idea why its in there, or when I put it in there!
Strangest thing in my purse is a bottle of cumin that I shoved in there after it feel out of my grocery bag!
Well…I used to have a gigantic purse and I would put everything possible in there which got pretty heavy on me, ha ha. So i switched to a small satchel so I never have anything weird in there anymore.
My purse is a DISASTER but I’d have to say bath salts. I hotel vendor dropped them off at my work and I forgot to take them out!
A bottle of nail polish…just in case 😉
A pair of figure skating tights. I coach kids and after practice one day I wanted to run in the store, but didn’t want to look like a weirdo for wearing tights in summer, so I stuffed them in my purse and that’s where they’ve been. It’s been a year…. 🙂
The strangest thing I have in my purse right now is called a “Jogger Fogger.” Call me paranoid, but it’s the pepper spray gadget that had an elasticy thing around it so you can put it on your wrist when you run and “fog” someone at moments notice. Always ready! Oddly enough…. I never actually wear it whilst running… hmmm. Oh and in case that isn’t weird enough— I have a pocket sized copy of the United States Constitution. No joke.
Where did you buy the Jogger Fogger?! I want to get some. Earlier I was wondering to myself if they make a pepper spray type of thing to clip onto a dog leash (same idea as clipping on a baggy container?) This would work too. I’m looking at it on Amazon. Not going to lie I’m a little scared I’ll set it off on me/my dog though. Do you need a license to carry pepper spray where you are?
I got the jogger fogger a few years ago from Caleblas.com… the hunting supply store? As far as I know you don’t need a license in New Mexico but who knows about other states. Here’s the link:
Wow that’s huge! Good luck!
Well, earlier today, it was an award that I got at a work function yesterday, but didn’t get the box to. It’s now on my desk at work.
I can relate about the weather. We are in monsoon season in Tucson, so a storm typically moves in around 4pm a few days a week out of nowhere! Strangest thing in my purse is a packet of soy sauce…in case I don’t get enough when I buy sushi from Whole Foods.
Rosary beads and a mini bottle of Tabasco sauce are the random things in my purse!
Would an umbrella count as strange? Probably not, but some people think it’s funny that I can fit one in my purse! 😉
I have totally walked around with 3-4 mini jars of jam in my purse before!! I don’t have anything super random in there now, just three (yes, not just one. Three) bottles of nailpolish that aren’t reeeeally necessary =)
Parmesan cheese packets….
i work for a baseball team so i’ll find random whole peanuts just chillin in the bottom of my purse. the weird part…i don’t eat peanuts.
framed pictures of my sister! hahah! She just got engaged and I needed to bring them into work to scan. They’ve been in there for 3 weeks hahah
a little plastic NEMO fish, is the strangest thing in my purse right now lol
I have Bonne Bell chapstick in my purse too! But mine is strawberry flavored.
Lime green Zensah calf sleeves! You never know when you might need them
The worlds smallest jigsaw puzzle (tweezers included!) I have yet to complete it so it’s still in my purse 🙂
My roommate and I found a set of silverware wrapped in a cloth napkin in her tote bag once after she complained her tote felt extra heavy. We recognized the silverware to be from our favorite brunch place we had visited a week earlier but still don’t know how it got in there!
i have a couple packets of spicy brown mustard in my purse. lol!
I LOVE your blog! And this post cracked me up 🙂
I have a bra in my purse…lol
What!? I was wearing a bathing suit top and I had to be prepared. 😉
A CMA backstage taylor swift pass that was randomly given to me months after the CMA’s for no reason.
Hahah! This is a great post! So many funny answers 🙂
Check out my latest recipe @ bakingblissful.blogspot.com
Oh lordy lets see….mini jar of walnut butter, sample size soap bar, a mini candle that I have no idea where it’s from. I need to clean out my purses haha!
I’m always slightly embarassed when I go to get my wallet from my purse at the store and things start falling out.. like the fact that I keep a fruit basket in my purse most of the time. My co-worker made me empty it one day at work and there was a grapefruit, avocado, banana and apple. Always prepared!
I just got a new purse so I’m trying to keep it somewhat clutter free. We’ll see how long that lasts, lol! I’m sure in a week I’ll have all sorts of random stuff in there!
Also, I know you’re a big fan of Bodypump. I’m a HUGE Les Mills fan and was lucky enough to find a gym in Atlanta that teaches most of the programs they offer. Tonight I took their newest class, Les Mills Grit. It was awesome! Definitely one of the most challenging classes I’ve ever taken. They have several types that focus on either HIIT or strenght/interval training with lots of plyometrics (at least that’s my understanding). It sounds like from your blog it’s hard to find Les Mills classes in Ocala. I hope you get certified and are able to introduce Ocala to the awesomeness that is Les Mills!!!
it really is and i miss les mills classes SO much! that new class sounds fantastic!
a mini can of lysol
Bahahahahahahahaha. A jar of jam. I recently switched to a very tiny little bag, so there isn’t a lot of room in there. I’ve kept it pretty clutter free. But when I go back to my big purse, I can guarantee some weirdness. I usually have a full sized bottle of hairspray and a massive bottle of lotion (like the size that belongs on a counter, none of this hand tube crap). Love the responses!
I often work with senior citizens in my profession and I love it. There are so many elderly people who need support and I feel like this sometimes gets overlooked; great idea. Good luck with this venture! 🙂
thanks so much, christine!
$20….I never, ever have cash!! Of course, it is odd that right now I don’t have dental floss in my purse, I usually have a couple of rolls of the stuff!
A fork and teaspoon for when I snack at work. I love eating with teaspoons 🙂 I think it makes my food last longer!
A paper “Jesus” my son made at biblemcamp and he gave it to me to hold!
lol. i have a shower cap. no idea how it ended up there!
oh boy. a nylabone chew toy for my dog, several packets of peanut butter, a tape measure, a belt, and a pair of nylon knee high socks (also known as granny socks). plus about 10 lip glosses. ALL CLASS.