Lunch, lunch, lunch. You arrive without fail everyday!
Today’s lunch included a BBQ pulled chicken sandwich, served with grape tomatoes and carrot slices.
BBQ a day later is oh-so-good!
Now, about today…
I wish I could sugarcoat things on the blog, but to be 100 percent honest, today has been a bit of a mess. Ever since I sat down at my desk this morning, things have been go-go-go and extremely stressful at work. I’m trying to stay positive and remember that there’s sunshine after every storm. Let’s just get through the day! 😀
Before accepting my current job, I worked as the marketing manager for a large company. It was a job that left me feeling unbelievably stressed. I had no work/life balance and work was always on my mind. I actually took a significant pay cut to accept my current job and have never looked back.
I know that stress in any job is natural and today’s stresses will absolve and improve, but I found myself falling back on my go-to stress relieving method that I would use nearly every day at my old job about halfway through the morning.
My stress-relieving method of choice? Getting lost in music.
In my previous job, when I was handed a bazillion different tasks to complete in an unreasonable timeframe, I would make a list, tackle each task one by one and turn on happy music.
It was hard to feel too stressed when the music from “Mama Mia!” or “Legally Blonde: The Musical” was blaring in my ears!
After listening to my favorite Pandora station for a good hour and plugging away at today’s tasks, I felt much better.
I am anxiously awaiting this evening’s walk with Ryan and Sadie. Simply strolling in the sunlight sounds absolutely perfect right now!
Question of the Afternoon
- What are your tips for relieving stress?
- Is there a lot of stress in your life right now?
Aside from music, my number one trick for alleviating stress is to ask myself this question: “Will this matter in a week? In a month? In a year?” Most of the time the answer is no and it’s not worth wasting time worrying about it… especially since worry does nothing to improve a situation. (Actions do!)
Im sorry to hear you are having a stressful day. I have to be in the same place. Im buying a house and close at the end of the month, but I work wed and thurs (12 hour shifts) then leave for vacation for a week (which is awesome) but I have a lot to do before we leave.
I unfortuantly turned to food instead of music. I should have read this earlier! haha
This is exactly the type of post I needed today:) As a new teacher looking for a classroom next year, I was very happy to receive a call last night for an interview..and another call this morning…and then another call this afternoon. While this is of course good news, I am also very nervous and very stressed trying to prepare myself for 3 back-to-back interviews. My stress relievers are definitely exercise, my dogs, and my parents. I stopped by my parent’s house on my way home from work and instantly felt more at ease and relaxed, and most importantly they made me feel how I really should be feeling–happy and proud of myself for landing 3 interviews in 3 of the top school districts in St. Louis:)
My greatest thing to do is pray. Many times I feel I need to go past “will this matter in a year?” , to “will this matter in eternity?”. I’ve heard Jesus has this pretty cool effect of calming people’s souls and situations 🙂
There are many things in my life that are out of my control right now, or that I am trying to willfully submit to others, and when I feel deep down in my soul that I just want to go the opposite way, I know only strength outside myself can sustain that.
I am glad to have situations that will grow me, because I don’t want an easy life, but a life that will change others. Right now Hebrews Ch. 12 has been teaching me a lot. The next time you are stressed maybe try reading that? 🙂
Thanks for sharing about your life too!!
When I’m stressed out, I get proactive- get into crazy list-making mode and think of the best possible way to get everything done. Once it’s all right in front of me, it’s easier to figure how to tick everything off, even if the list seems never-ending!
awe im sorry you had a stressful day! I am under a lot of pressure at my job… i do the work of way more then one person on a daily basis and i crack under pressure to often. The idea of blasting happy music is great unfortunately im not able to do that at my job. Maybe taking breaks and listening to a few songs would help 🙂 Thanks for the tip!
I also love the questions “will this matter in…” GREAT way to realize its not wasting any worry over 🙂
May tomorrow be a day filled with peace and joy!! One thing that really helps me with stress is taking walks around the park and prayin’, thinking, singin’…. 😉 oh, and of course working out hehe.
Good stress-relief tips! ABBA never fails to lift my mood. Just taking a few minutes to sit back and slow down can do the world of good. It’s such a shame that I can’t get Pandora here in the UK anymore 🙁
I love that so many people are saying music is a stress relief. I’m actually writing a paper about why we should keep music education in schools.. and stress relief is one of the reasons students should be able to learn about music! 🙂 Hope you feel better!
Oh Julie, I can *so* relate!
With work, school, personal and family issues (my stepdad was just diagnosed with melanoma last week… and that was pretty much the breaking point for me) i feel like i’ve just been “going through the motions” for the past week.
At least the weather is pretty… and thank goodness for running and music! (And getting lost in books!)
My main stressors are finances and my health. And unfortunately, both will matter in a week, a month, and a year. My main stress relief is exercise, getting lost in a movie while snuggling with my husband, and prayer.
That’s exactly how my life is right now! My job is just as stressful as yours was. I work at a graphic arts firm in Marketing. I’m getting my Masters in Public Health so I can move out of this field. I’m graduating in Summer (a semester early), and have been taking classes full-time. I’m also working full-time and holding a part-time internship, and training for a half marathon!!
I go running to relieve stress or work out. Since I live in Ohio, and it’s finally nice out. I’m finally able to run outside!
Oh, that is so me. I always turn to music. My destressors are: Music, running, my furbaby (down to only one right now – sob!), and my beloved amazing husband.
Stress has been at an all time high this week. Left late Monday to drive 5 hours to a job site, got home Thursday morning at 3 am. Leave tomorrow for ATL Phat Camp, only after having class this evening. I just need more hours.
Best way to beat the stress in my opinion? Liock yourself in a room for 10 minutes and just scream. And work out. Both work for me.