Lunch, lunch, lunch. You arrive without fail everyday!
Today’s lunch included a BBQ pulled chicken sandwich, served with grape tomatoes and carrot slices.
BBQ a day later is oh-so-good!
Now, about today…
I wish I could sugarcoat things on the blog, but to be 100 percent honest, today has been a bit of a mess. Ever since I sat down at my desk this morning, things have been go-go-go and extremely stressful at work. I’m trying to stay positive and remember that there’s sunshine after every storm. Let’s just get through the day! 😀
Before accepting my current job, I worked as the marketing manager for a large company. It was a job that left me feeling unbelievably stressed. I had no work/life balance and work was always on my mind. I actually took a significant pay cut to accept my current job and have never looked back.
I know that stress in any job is natural and today’s stresses will absolve and improve, but I found myself falling back on my go-to stress relieving method that I would use nearly every day at my old job about halfway through the morning.
My stress-relieving method of choice? Getting lost in music.
In my previous job, when I was handed a bazillion different tasks to complete in an unreasonable timeframe, I would make a list, tackle each task one by one and turn on happy music.
It was hard to feel too stressed when the music from “Mama Mia!” or “Legally Blonde: The Musical” was blaring in my ears!
After listening to my favorite Pandora station for a good hour and plugging away at today’s tasks, I felt much better.
I am anxiously awaiting this evening’s walk with Ryan and Sadie. Simply strolling in the sunlight sounds absolutely perfect right now!
Question of the Afternoon
- What are your tips for relieving stress?
- Is there a lot of stress in your life right now?
Aside from music, my number one trick for alleviating stress is to ask myself this question: “Will this matter in a week? In a month? In a year?” Most of the time the answer is no and it’s not worth wasting time worrying about it… especially since worry does nothing to improve a situation. (Actions do!)
so sorry to hear things are tough thanks for sharing.
right now I’m not too too stressed but I definitely have been. exercise and time with my pup and family is best for me 🙂
good luck!
yes! dogs are the BEST stress relievers. sadie always makes me feel better.
I suppose “Klonopin” is not an acceptable answer…
My semester is over in 2.5 weeks, and I have so much to do! i am trying to just do a lot of work without really thinking about it.
Hope your day gets better!
Sorry things are so stressful! Usually I turn to music to calm me down, but right now, music is what is STRESSING me out! I have my vocal juries (basically like a final performance exam for music majors) next Wednesday and I have to learn 7 songs by then! Ahhh!
I’m a music major too and my piano recital is TOMORROW! Stress. I can totally relate! 🙂
Hope things get a bit less stressful as the day goes on 🙂
& I love how positive you are Julie…that is why I ALWAYS love reading- always brings a smile to my face, even when you are having a rough day!
great post girly. I am one of those people who can get stressed out super easily…so I always try to just write things down so I don’t have to worry about if I’m going to forget to do something. I find that helps me a lot! Also, if you are interested in some upbeat, fun music (probably better suited for working out than working) then you can go to this website and download this female dj’s songs…they’re all about an hour long and just a great mix of fun upbeat music! No worries, your stress will be gone soon!
awesome, thank you!
Wow. This post explains me to a T! I’m an Auditor for a large public accounting firm, and I’m feeling the stress right now! I take work home with me every night, and work weekends. There is never work / life balance even after April 15th (18th this year). Pray I find something new soon! I’m willing to take the pay cut, just like you did! To get me through today, I have Backstreet Boys Station on Pandora. Love it!
My stress relief = working out.
Ankle sprain = can’t work out.
Stress level = SUPER HIGH.
aw, i hope your ankle heals fast!
Thanks for the tips- those are some great ways to decrease stress! When I’m
stressed, I try to either get outside if it’s a nice day or I try to think ab all the wonderful ppl in my life or fun events/trips I have coming up! Working out always helps too:) I have to do this every day being in school or on rotations!! Hope the stress goes away- enjoy your walk later!
When I worked a full time desk job I often turned to Pandora…and funny enough I always would put in Mama Mia for my station too!! When I am stressed a good workout or a call to my Mama is what does the trick. Sometimes talking it out with Mom is the best way to go!
i always miss my mom when i’m stressed. she’s so soothing!
Aww Julie feel better soon! Only a few hours before dinner and Sadie time! Whenever I’m stressed, pets and babies always make me feel better.
Studying for my medical board exams ( the ones you do before they let you become a real doctor) so kinda stressed I guess although I got about a month to go before I do the exam.
When you say you had “no work / life balance” can you elaborate a little more? How many hours were you working per week? What was your daily schedule like?
Sorry to hear you’re stressed. 🙁 It sounds like you know how to deal with it though, and I bet you’ll be feeling back to normal after a walk with Ryan and Sadie!
I also make lists when I’m feeling stressed. Even if I can’t cross everything off in a day, it makes me feel better to know that I won’t forget something once it’s written down. Music definitely helps also, and I always feel better after talking to my boyfriend. He helps me to realize what is actually important and what isn’t worth worrying about! 🙂
i’m pretty regularly stressed due to the nature of my job (i’m a finance attny), having to get up at 5:45 to get to work, my 6 figures of loans from undergrad and law school hanging over my head and other myriad bills, and trying not to compare where *i am* in life (27, not married) to where others are.
how I relieve stress:
* i put it in perspective. not only do i think about if this will matter in a year, i think about the bigger things that i’ve overcome (death of one parent, bar exam [2 weeks apart], significant illness of another, etc.) and how, if i could handle THAT, i could handle this.
* i try to remind myself that you’re not given more than you can handle. You can choose who the “giver” is in the scenario – your boss who hired you based on your proven ability to do a job, your family, G-d, etc.
* i blog. my blog is personal and not really healthy living, but it sure is cathartic.
* i get lost in the music on my treadmill. or just sing in my room.
* i cuddle with my pup. i even recently stuck a tiny picture of my dog as a pup up in my cube because it really does relax me.
you’re so right about making lists and that definitely helps to put things into perspective. how many tasks are there? how many are actually quick and not terribly time consuming? which is hardest? will take longest? do i most dislike doing/should do first? what has to be done right now, and what can sit on the shelf for a little while? it makes it all feel much more realistic and doable. then again, i also called my mom crying last week and felt better 10 minutes later… there’s always that 🙂
Wow- i hope you know just how awesome you are—just reading that tiny blurb about you shows the level of strength that you have inside. Marriage will come when it comes–nothing before its time 🙂
Dana, you are amazing! You are articulate, accomplished, and obviously very strong. It is amazing (and wonderful) to read that so many of the women who have left comments are able to manage thier stress well, but I do not find myself in that category. I do think one of the reasons I get so stressed may be that I hold myself to very high standards and do not take it very easy on myself when I fall short of a goal. Do you feel the same way?
PS – I am also 27 and unmarried. I recently read an artcle that said that we are actually in the majority of 20 somethings! More and more young women of our generation are waiting to marry. 🙂
these are amazing tips and you’re clearly an amazing woman with a lot to offer and a lot of life lessons already learned. i actually read your comment while i was at work, and you reminded me to look at the goofy picture i have on my desk of sadie. i felt instantly better and i thank YOU for that!
I love doing Yoga when I am stressed even if it is simply puttin in a yoga dvd at home and practicing by myself or going and taking a class, it usually puts me in a more relaxed place.
Julie, I am crazy stressed out right now too — you have my total empathy! Actually, the only thing getting me through my current crazy situation is that I *know* it won’t matter in a few months! It’s just the getting through it part that stinks. Thanks for the mid-day cheer up!
What a timely post! I JUST attended a workshop yesterday at my faculty meeting about generating positive emotions from stressful situations. The research overwhelmingly shows that we CAN generate positive emotions from stressful situations by focusing on some of the following techniques:
–positive appraisal: frame the situation in a positive way and focus on the positive
–mindfulness: being present with our situations and fully experiencing them
–gratitude: keeping a gratitude journal or otherwise expressing gratitude in stressful times
–amplifying our strengths: focusing both internally and externally on what we’re best at, rather than spending time worrying about the negative
The presentation was done by the folks at UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine in San Francisco ( and they have lots of information online about generating positive emotions from stress! Hang in there and thanks for sharing! 🙂
you’re right! that was very timely! thank you, gavi!
Omg I just blogged about trying to find a work-life balance. It’s hard sometimes. Hang in there!
my stress relief? working out, shopping, or crafting 🙂
i actually did post about “de-stressing” not too long ago…check it out if you have time:
Running is totally my stress relief! Funny though is the fact that having music in my ears makes me more on edge, so I run in silence… a lot 😉
Stress can be so tough to get through when you’re in the moment. Going for walks are usually my relief, getting my body moving and just having time to think outside seems to work better than being indoors. I don’t have too much stress in my life right now, so knock on wood it remains that way!
Stress…ohhhh yes. Definitely tipping the charts lately with my stress levels, but I try my best to try to find the positives in each and every day. I try to remind myself that there’s always something that could be worse and that I’ll get through it.
And if that doesn’t work? I bake. 🙂
YES! i’m a stress baker, too!
Sometimes I think you’re in my brain because I feel a certain way, then I click on your blog and you’re writing about it! Sure, I have stress, and truth be told – I’m not the best at handling it. I can turn into a real ugly girl real fast – and I take it out on the ones I’m closest with. What’s that all about!? But this morning when I was stressing about grad school + my job + wedding planning I took a step back a focused on the GOOD things that I have going on in my life. Sometimes it’s easy to ignore those things. Maybe that’s one reason I’m working my ass off to become a therapist. I’ll let you know when I figure out all these answers haha 🙂
I, too, took a LARGE paycut just so I could move to a job where I was happier (remember my comment a few days ago about the gross boss and having to count manholes?!). Thank goodness this new job has me looking forward to work every day now, but there are definitely still days when things seem overwhelming.
You touched on this in your post, but I think one of the best things to do to de-stress is make a list and tackle things one at a time. Seeing what you have to do and how you’re going to get everything done makes it seem more manageable. The other thing I do is tell myself that I know in the past I’ve had just as much, if not more work (think finals in college!) and somehow I know I always get it done…i.e. you know you’re fully capable of doing it! That, and a nice cup of tea and some deep breathing always seems to help 🙂
Music and deep breathing or stretching always helps me. You can do it girl!! Thanks for keeping it real 🙂 and best of luck today!
I am frequently, extremely stressed. Between work, my blog, and hosting gigs on the side, I seem to be constantly busy. Honestly, reading your blog is one of the ways I take my mind off my busy schedule 🙂
Bubble baths and long walks! They always make me feel better!
Or even just having dinner outside on my patio instead of at hte table makes a difference!
Thanks for this fabulous, and oh-so-well-timed reminder Julie. I’ve been feeling the exact same way lately and this afternoon, you can bet I’ll be blaring some music into my ears! I’m thinking a little Jack Johnson at the moment! I am also thinking about going for a walk after work or after dinner tonight to unload my head of all of the work stress. Again, thanks for the reminder! 🙂 I hope you have a good afternoon!
you, too! i feel ya, angela!
Ugh, sorry you’re having a stressful day, but did you seriously apologize for being stressed out? O_o
As for me, I’m pretty stressed at the moment. I’m:
1. trying to find a job (failing at that at the moment);
2. revamp my resume;
3. working at widening my online fingerprint to show off how awesome I am (refer back to reason #1 for this);
4. finish applications for a possible second stint at grad school;
5. edit an old essay for reason #4 (which requires me figuring out what my addled argument was);
6. eat healthy and exercise everyday to stay energetic;
That’s a lot! I tend to react to stress by getting practical, though sometimes my practicality’s a bit wonky. I prioritize, make lists, and try to get stuff done. Sometimes I leave the hard stuff for last so I can feel a sense of accomplishment early, other times I tackle them first to get them over with.
What helps out most, though, is ALWAYS scheduling time to do something indulgent. Reading a book, watching a tv show I love, anything so I can feel I did something for ME today. Otherwise, I get burned out real easy.
When I’m stressed beyond belief I burst into tears, but I try not to let it get that far for obvious reasons. Crying = soggy = bad for books.
My job sounds like your old job, most of the time. There is down time, but I wake up thinking about the things I have to do, everyday! I even try to tackle how I am going to manage it while I am running on the treadmill, lol.. We recently were told not to use headphones in the workplace, which squashed my Pandora days. I went and got myself a pair of small speaker to keep my Robyn Pandora station on low-couldn’t make it through without it. In general, music and working out relieve my stress. I always have a bad day when I decide not to work out (for lazy reasons, not counting if I am sick or something)..but I have been going 6 days a week lately which keeps me sane!
I do the exact same thing! I am currently pumping music at work! Much needed. Also, I take little breaks to read or do something little for myself. It’s a great pause button.
Hang in there, Julie! Work stress is never fun. I hate having work stuff hang over my head when I get home. There is an end in sight and thank goodness for Pandora!
My life is packed with stress right now…but things should calm down a bit after I finish my final paper for school this week. Gah!
Work is stressful, no matter what the job is, in my mind. I have recently been stressed at my job because I just got a promotion (YAY!) but it’s been really stressful trying to learn everything and not look like an idiot while doing it. It’s like i’m back in college again! However, if you talk to my boyfriend, he will say he is stressed because he doesn’t like what he is doing and has a few new job opportunities and is stressing over the right decision, praying that whichever job God has picked out for him will be easy to see. So… it goes both ways! Lately, i’ve been getting lost in music too! I listen to my favorite pandora station, the family disney station, and that always brightens my mood and I find myself resisting the urge to dance to hakauna mattata in my cube 🙂
Enjoy your evening walk… you are so right, it’s not going to matter in a week, a month or a year. The things that will matter, family, pets, etc are there for you when you need them!! And hey, if you and Ryan ever want to move to Austin… just let me know!! 😉
so exciting about your promotion!!!
I worked for a magazine last year when I lived on the east coast. After about 8 months, I quit and volunteered for a non-profit organization. The stress was making me unhappy and affecting my life in a negative way. It just wasn’t worth the money. I’m glad you have a positive outlet for your stress!
i’m so glad i learned that lesson early in life! some jobs truly just aren’t worth the money.
Excercise is my de-stresser because it’s one of the only things I can’t multi-task during. Music does help me concentrate on getting things done though, so I bet that’s why music helps you. 🙂
I once told my husband I was stressed and he told me I’m never NOT stressed.
So true. I can’t even watch TV without thinking of my to-do list or cleaning something during a commerical.
Read blogs lol! (like I’m doing right now…)
Ah! I love love love the quote “will it matter in a year”… I think of it all the time when I am stressing over something silly. I take a bing breathe and think about how important the thing I am stressing about it and that I remind myself that I can only be my best. 🙂
My job is rife with stress lately and really straining my work life balance. To keep the stress in check I will head outdoors for a bit or go grab a midday latte.
Wow, I really love the third necklace!!
i’ve been a huge stress mess lately. my go-to stress buster is running. followed by a very tall glass of wine.
I hear ya on the work/life balance – my job is a bit stressful since it’s a small company and everything lately is coming may way. If I don’t end up doing it today it’s something I have to do tomorrow. I’m also in the process of trying to get a domestic partnership to live with my Aussie boyfriend in Australia (he’s there now) and it’s stressing me out more!
Best ways to alleviate stress for me is to zone out to music, catch up on great blogs (like yours!), set fun dates with friends, treat myself to lunch somewhere I enjoy and to go to the gym. Hope things start to clear up for you, take it one day at a time. 🙂
I love your idea of listening to music when stressed, that sounds amazing. I hope your walk this evening makes you feel even better and less stressed! Hang in there!
I go through phases with stress at work…for the most part, I don’t take it home with me and I have a job where I’m able to do that. But there are certainly times when it can add extra stress. I take it a day at a time and try to look at the bigger picture of life and that usually helps! Work is just a fraction of everything we experience.
I get wicked stressful at work too. There are days where the phones are ringing off the hook, guests are at the desk in long lines and they all want about 10 minutes of our time. It gets crazy. I love to go out into the square to unwind during my break. And I definitely agree that music helps. That and a nice cup of tea. 🙂
Sorry you’re stressed today!! But I love your attitude and your ability to see it for what it is. Big hugs Julie!
I did the same thing it seems you did- I left my over-worked uber stressful job for one that allows me that same work/life balance I wanted- it came with a pay cut, but I am SO much happier.
Any time I get stressed at work or in life I remember how stressed I was constantly in my last job and how it spilled over into every aspect of my life. Even when I am stressed now, I know it will never compare to how awful it was then.
I used to work in a law firm and I was an assistant for a solo practitioner so I was always stressed. I would have lists upon lists of things he needed done every day and I would just crank up the iPod and do whatever I could. I’m a stay at home mom now and my stress relief is doing a kick butt workout at the end of the day.
funn you say this because today was quite stressful for me too- i felt like i was going non-stop!! i came home to find 100000 emails and tweets and i was like WOAH!.. usually i wind down with a tv show.. its puts me at ease!
Hang in there, doll! I hate stressful days!
Running is my stress relief. There was a point last year when it was the ONLY thing that made me feel better. I ran far and often until it took the edge off.
I also like to write about the things that are stressing me out. Last night I couldn’t sleep, so I got up and wrote about what was on my mind. It helped me get my thoughts out and figure out what I want to do about the situation that was keeping me up.
Deep breaths help, too. And I really like your question mantra. I’ll have to start doing that more.
This is the most stressful week of my life right now. I have a portfolio review on Thursday which will determine my degree. I’ve been working 4 years towards a Graphic Communications major but if I don’t get accepted into the program based on my portfolio review on Thursday, I won’t be getting that degree. I’m trying to tell myself that as long as I try my best, it will be ok…but I kind of want to vomit from the stress.
How do I deal with it? I either eat a cupcake or go to my parents house to hang out with my family. Or I go to my sister’s house and play with my 7 month old nephew. Unfortunately, no more breaks for me until after the review!