After two back-to-back weekends out of town, Ryan and I said we wanted to stay close to home all weekend and that’s exactly what we did. We spent most of Saturday around the house and kicked off the morning with waffles, Picasso Tiles and a walk around our neighborhood.
The walk had a purpose because we wanted to try out our new Wonderfold Wagon x4 four-seat wagon stroller. I bought it on sale through Zulily and couldn’t wait to give it a spin with the boys.
I’ve been eyeing a wagon stroller for ages because I figured it would be so handy for bigger adventures like family vacations, trip to the zoo, amusement parks, etc. Even though Chase typically opts to walk or ride his bike these days, I still wanted the four-seat option versus the two-seat option because I wanted more space and figured we’d use it push friends/cousins, too.
I’ll report back after we’ve had the chance to use it more but so far, here are my first impressions:
- It folds up really easily!
- It’s not nearly as huge and cumbersome as our Double BOB two-seat stroller. The Double BOB is amazing but takes up SO much space in the trunk of my car so this will be a much better option for traveling.
- It’s a little harder to push than I expected. Maybe it’s because I’m used to the Double BOB which glides along like a dream but this felt heavier and less maneuverable. I’m wondering if this could be because I opted for the least expensive version of the Wonderfold Wagon? (Prices for the 4-seat option can get super high.)
- I love the big storage bin under the handlebar but wish it had dedicated spaces for water bottles.
- The option to push or pull the wagon is great!
- The adjustable handlebar is great for me and Ryan since we can change it up to fit both of us.
- The seat positioning means the boys’ legs touch if they’re across from each other and sitting straight out. If anyone is feeling feisty this can cause some kicking/sibling battles. This was something I hadn’t considered before purchasing that definitely feels worth noting. There is a booster seat option I’m considering purchasing that might help with this issue. Also worth noting is that the more expensive versions have raised seats that, upon checking on the Wonderfold website, “have a footwell for better interactions.” Ha! Clearly they know kids will kick each other if their legs touch, too. I can already say I wish we would’ve opted for one with raised seating.
- The brake is an easy one-step foot break. Love it!
Once we arrived home from our walk, the boys played for a bit while we made lunch and then put Rhett down for a nap. Ryder had about an hour of quiet time before joining Chase, Ryan and my father-in-law in the yard to help string holiday lights on our trees and bushes.
Of course you can’t forget about Minnie and Mickey Mouse, the blow ups I swore we’d never have that the boys absolutely adore.
I took advantage of the quiet house and assembled outfits for our crew for family photos later that afternoon. Nothing like waiting until the last minute, right!? Thankfully I came up with a color scheme I think worked fairly well and built our outfits using clothing we already had that seemed to fit into a fall color palette.
I am not into bribes in day-to-day parenting but for family photos all bets are off… Buuut go figure, I forgot the fruit snacks I brought as bribes on the kitchen counter. Thankfully everyone did fairly well but who knows if we’ll get a picture with everyone smiling!? That’s no small feat with three little ones but I’m crossing my fingers. Also, thank goodness for the rising popularity of mini sessions with kids. Twenty minutes aaand DONE.
Outfit details: Overalls (I’m wearing a medium in brown but think they’re definitely more of a rust color) / Combat Boots: Sam Edelman (I sized up 1/2 size and was glad I did) / Square-Neck Bodysuit (My latest fav Amazon find that goes with everything. I wear a medium and have a very long torso.)
On our way home, we picked up dinner to go and then immediately changed into our pajamas for movie night. The boys requested Octonauts (in terms of kid shows, it’s one I’d recommend!) and so the shorter show meant movie night ended on the early side. We had all the boys in bed a little after 7 p.m. and then Ryan, my father-in-law and I hung out on the couch and dug into some ice cream and chocolate chip cookies before bed. (Greg has been staying with us for the past month due to some health concerns. Thank you to those of you who previously commented and wished him well!)
Sunday morning began with more holiday decorating. Does it take anyone else out there days and days to finish decorating for the holidays!? I blame the kids and a very grabby 14-month-old who makes it take a looot longer.
Our big plans for the day took us uptown to Discovery Place Science.
Outfit details: White Sneakers / Flare Jeans / Cropped Flannel
The last time we visited Discovery Place, Rhett wasn’t walking yet so it was so fun to see his whole world open up as he toddled all over the place.
He was in baby heaven!
The big kids were excited to check out the Apollo exhibition and I only wish we would’ve thought to have them wear their astronaut costumes from Halloween!
We spent a solid two hours at Discovery Place before Rhett let us know it was nap time. He was asleep in his crib within minutes of our arrival home and then the rest of us ate lunch and watched a little of the Panther’s game. Ryan and the big kids then did a little more outside decorating while I decorated inside and then worked on an upcoming gift guide I hope to share this week.
Eventually Rhett was up and we took advantage of the sunny autumn weather and went on another walk before dinner and the whole bed time routine.
As for the week ahead, it will be a short one around here! Chase and Ryder only have school on Monday and Tuesday and we’ll be filling our free time with some play dates, Thanksgiving fun with friends and more holiday shenanigans. I’ll try to catch you up soon but until then enjoy your week and Happy (almost) Thanksgiving!
If you live in an apartment or condo, those wagons are a GOD SEND … you can get everything up in one trip and it’s excellent for the laundromat, too!!