I was more than ready for lunch when I finally took a break this afternoon to make myself a sub.
I topped a Publix multigrain hoagie roll with spinach, avocado, roast beef and Dijon mustard.
Served with tomatoes and a combination of caramel and cheddar G.H. Cretor’s popcorn that I finally found at my local Publix. Woo!
Things have been awfully productive around here so far today, which is a good thing because they need to be since I am traveling again this week. I am leaving bright and early on Wednesday morning for Medford, Oregon!
According to Weather.com, Medford is expecting highs in the 70s but the daily lows are in the 40s so you better believe I will be packing lightweight scarves and a pair of boots! When the temperatures fall below 70 degrees in Florida in the fall, I take that as boot wearin’ weather even if it isn’t all that cold outside. Temperatures in the 40s definitely warrant busting out some of my favorite fall accessories.
Now I’m off to photograph a recipe I’m working on for a local magazine that involves these three ingredients.
Any guesses?
I hope to share the recipe with you guys this week if I get permission. It’s a good one!
I live in Ashland, OR (ten minutes south of Medford)! What are you coming this way for!? You’re in luck, the weather here has been sooo gorgeous and the fall time is super pretty here. I definitely recommend visiting Ashland, the downtown has a lot of fun restaurants and shops!
What a yummy looking lunch! I wish I trusted myself enough to keep a bag of popcorn in the apartment. That sucker would be gone in two seconds. You seem so balanced with your eating…that’s what I’m constantly striving for. It’s a work in progress, but I’m getting there!
I am from Oregon and moved to South Florida about a year ago! I hope you have an amazing time in my Favorite place!