I was more than ready for lunch when I finally took a break this afternoon to make myself a sub.
I topped a Publix multigrain hoagie roll with spinach, avocado, roast beef and Dijon mustard.
Served with tomatoes and a combination of caramel and cheddar G.H. Cretor’s popcorn that I finally found at my local Publix. Woo!
Things have been awfully productive around here so far today, which is a good thing because they need to be since I am traveling again this week. I am leaving bright and early on Wednesday morning for Medford, Oregon!
According to Weather.com, Medford is expecting highs in the 70s but the daily lows are in the 40s so you better believe I will be packing lightweight scarves and a pair of boots! When the temperatures fall below 70 degrees in Florida in the fall, I take that as boot wearin’ weather even if it isn’t all that cold outside. Temperatures in the 40s definitely warrant busting out some of my favorite fall accessories.
Now I’m off to photograph a recipe I’m working on for a local magazine that involves these three ingredients.
Any guesses?
I hope to share the recipe with you guys this week if I get permission. It’s a good one!
Caramel and cheddar popcorn sounds like a yummy combination! Oh, I hope you get to post the recipe! That looks like it’s going to turn into something tasty! 🙂
I’m guessing some sort of bark?!? I just tried Biscoff spread for the first time last week… So yummy! Not sure how I have lived 26 years without trying it before?
I love mixing a sweet and savory popcorn! SO good. When I was a kid we used to get those huge tins around Christmas time, Cheddar, Butter and Caramel popcorn, and I’d take the cardboard divider out and mix them all together:-)
Those ingredients look good–can’t wait to see the recipe! 🙂
That popcorn sounds intriguingly good!
I bet you’re making some sort of no-bake cookie balls or Fall bark of some sort??
It’s in the lower 50s where I’m at, a little south of Philadelphia, so I totally get the must-have fall accessories for your trip!
And anything involving those three ingredients is guaranteed to be good!
Some sort of granola, cookie or something in between?
I have no idea what could be in that recipe, but just by the ingredients it looks so tasty!!
I’m looking forward to meeting you in OR, Julie! I think highs in the 70’s are heavenly, but I’m packin’ some boots, too. See you soon! 🙂
Biscoff. is. God.
Ugh. Your lunch was WAY better than mine. I need to hit the store.
Anyway, enjoy Medford. That sounds about like Snoqualmie Valley, WA for me right now. Gets cold and night, cold mornings, and by afternoon when you have been fooled into fall wear because of the morning you are sweating. 🙂
We are having an uncharacteristic fall out here. Funny it sounds so much like Medford. I will take though instead of our darn rain!
That popcorn sparked a craving for me! Flavored popcorn is a definite weakness and I just went to the G.H. Cretor’s website and found out the Harris Teeter a mile from my house sells the brand – SCORE!!
CRUNCHY Biscoff???? I must find that! I’ve only had the creamy… And it’s like crack!
I love Oregon! You’ll love it….it’s beautiful!
I love that Biscoff spread! I think it’s the same thing as TJ’s Cookie Butter.
That popcorn sounds delicious! What are you doing in Oregon?
Hi Julie, I’m from Portland Oregon, just noticed you were coming my direction! Not sure what your going for, but I hope you enjoy Oregon its beautiful (maybe I’m a little bias) 🙂 I’m not totally familiar with Meford, but I do know that it is a small town. If your looking for somewhere to eat, Kaleidoscope Pizza has amazing stone baked pizza and a lot of local beer…we are the micro-brew capital 🙂 Have a great visit!!
my guess is some sort of delicious cookies. I hope you get to share!! 🙂 Yumm!!
Anything with crunchy Biscoff spread has got to be a winner!! Ahh hope you get to share – I could use an excuse to go to the store and buy a jar 😉
Whatever your recipes is, it looks like it’ll be delicious! I love white chocolate!
Oooh, can’t wait to see what you come up with! Those 3 ingredients are all winners!
That sub is making me sooo hungry! It’s so pretty!
I’m going to guess that whatever the recipe it is, it’s to die for with those ingredients!
Hi Juliie, I’m also in Portland. I’m guessing you are visiting Harry & David? Not sure what else could draw blogger to Medford! That or a pear festival!
Be sure to try the Dark Chocolate Moose Munch popcorn when you are there!
And visit Ashland if at all possible — super cute and funky.
I love Medford, Oregon because one time when we driving there on a road trip our tire got a flat and so the tow guy took us to the mall there and they had an orange julius! My family was in heaven since they were no longer at home so now we always make a special trip to the mall to get an orange julius on our roadtrips:)
have a great time in oregon, i love it there!
A fall spin on chocolate chip cookies?!
I live in oregon! Except not now that I’m away at college. What are you going there for?
mmm looks like pumpkin bread with white chocolate chips to me.
Oooh I don’t know what that last recipe is but all the ingredients are amazing!!
I’m not sure what your making but it looks like it will taste good! And I love boot weather! We’ve definitely gotten there in Chicago, especially during the marathon yesterday: it was in the 30s when we started!
Biscoff white chocolate muddy buddies?? I made those last year, but without the pumpkin pie spice, and they were AMAZING.
Can you help me? I need advice on what to eat before a workout. The only time I have for workouts is early, early in the AM. I wake up a little before 5ish, eat a banana, then head to the gym or go out on a run. On days that I do strength training, I feel weak/tired after about half way into my second set of weight moves. I don’t consider myself a heavy duty weight lifter. I sometimes do your circuit workouts. I usually use 8 – 12lb weights. I want to do more than just one set to get stronger and more toned. I know I need to eat more before a workout, but I don’t know what. I don’t really want to wake up even earlier to digest a small snack because I don’t like working out on a full stomach. Any advice or tips? Can you link me to previous blog posts on this matter? Thanks!
You’re going to need your own plane soon with all this traveling you’re doing! 🙂
I actually had some G.H. Cretor’s popcorn for lunch today!
my guess is mabye like some sorta cookie/bar or like mabye a granolla type thingy or new overnight oats 😉
whatever it is i hope you get to share the recipe!! 🙂
I’m another reader from Oregon. I hope you enjoy your stay! I must ask… what is bringing you to Medford?
Maybe a pumpkin brownie with a fancy frosting/topping? I’m sure whatever it is is delicious…since there’s pumpkin spice involved!
I will be eagerly awaiting that recipe. To quote Ina Garten, with those kinds of ingredients…”How bad can that be?” 🙂
I love Oregon! I was just in Portland in August for a wedding. It’s a beautiful state.
Whatever you’ve created is sure to be a hit using these ingredients! I’m guessing cookies, though.
Wow – no guesses on the dessert, but I can’t wait to see what it is!
Biscoff spread is amazing!!!
BISCOFF SPREAD???!!! I never knew such a glorious thing existed. I love the Biscoff cookies that airlines offer and by love I mean i always ask for extra!
I’ve had a toasted roast beef and pepperjack cheese sandwiches almost every day this week. So yummy and comforting 🙂
Good luck with the recipe!
Oh my gosh, Oregan will be so much fun! It is soooo gorgeous! Have you ever been before? I can’t wait to see all of your amazing pictures!
pumpkin bark?! that’s my only guess!
whatever the recipe is- they look good! A pie maybe? Ps. If I guess correctly, you have to make me one 😉
I love that popcorn!
Oh boy! Less really is more sometimes….no-bake white choc chip cookies?
I’m really excited for you, but sad for me! Medford is the Rogue Valley. I just moved away from there a couple weeks ago. I lived in Ashland. You absolutely, positively MUST visit Ashland! I guarantee it will be the highlight of your trip! Feel free to email me for suggestions!
When is this recipe coming out because I just bought Biscoff spread, which I rarely do!