"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave." – Elmer Davis
Thank you to the men and women who have served and continue to serve our country. Your sacrifice, courage, hard word and dedication are incredible and I thank you and your wonderful families for all that you do for our country.
Happy Veteran’s Day!
Good morning and Happy Veteran’s Day! It’s the start of another busy week for this girl, but this week is packed with more fun stuff, so I’m excited!
I hope you guys had a wonderful weekend. I had a blast at Disney World (my 5K race recap is coming your way soon) and early yesterday evening Ryan and I saw Ender’s Game at a local movie theatre. Ender’s Game is one of Ryan’s all-time favorite novels and he convinced me to read it a couple of weeks ago, so we were both excited to see the book come to life on the big screen.
I thought the movie was really well done (especially the first half) and the graphics were amazing!
Ryan and I crawled into bed at 8 p.m. last night. We were both exhausted from the weekend (two nights in a row of 4.5 hours of sleep will do that to you), and I’m pretty sure I fell asleep within 10 minutes. I don’t think I woke up one time during the night and when the alarm went off at 5 a.m., I felt so much better. I was basically a walking zombie yesterday, so it feels great to feel like myself again. Sleep is a fabulous thing.
Today’s workout began with a 20 minute warm up before I completed an upper body workout that focused on my biceps, shoulders, triceps and back. I super-setted exercises and incorporated 30 seconds of jumping jacks into the strength portion of my workout which kept my heart rate up. It felt good to feel the burn again!
Breakfast this morning had to be fast. I had 40 minutes to pack for a week away, eat and shower, so my morning meal was an old standby!
Another egg white and oatmeal protein pancake!
This time, I added a scoop of cashew butter to the mix for some healthy fat and served the pancake with dried peaches on the side.
Now I am blogging from a coffee shop right by Ryan’s work. We have plans to head back to Orlando today because Ryan is working at a trade show all week and I am going to help with the set up before catching a flight to San Francisco from Orlando tomorrow. (Sadie is staying with my parents and they’ve been sending us pictures of her sleeping in their bed and stalking birds on the beach which cracks us up!)
See ya from Orlando!
Question of the Morning
- What was the last movie you saw in the theatre? Would you recommend it to others?
The last movie I saw was Gravity which I highly recommend! I really want to see Ender’s Game though! I read it in high school so I may need a refresher on it before I see it. Those books are so good! I also like the Ender’s Shadow series too.