"This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave." – Elmer Davis
Thank you to the men and women who have served and continue to serve our country. Your sacrifice, courage, hard word and dedication are incredible and I thank you and your wonderful families for all that you do for our country.
Happy Veteran’s Day!
Good morning and Happy Veteran’s Day! It’s the start of another busy week for this girl, but this week is packed with more fun stuff, so I’m excited!
I hope you guys had a wonderful weekend. I had a blast at Disney World (my 5K race recap is coming your way soon) and early yesterday evening Ryan and I saw Ender’s Game at a local movie theatre. Ender’s Game is one of Ryan’s all-time favorite novels and he convinced me to read it a couple of weeks ago, so we were both excited to see the book come to life on the big screen.
I thought the movie was really well done (especially the first half) and the graphics were amazing!
Ryan and I crawled into bed at 8 p.m. last night. We were both exhausted from the weekend (two nights in a row of 4.5 hours of sleep will do that to you), and I’m pretty sure I fell asleep within 10 minutes. I don’t think I woke up one time during the night and when the alarm went off at 5 a.m., I felt so much better. I was basically a walking zombie yesterday, so it feels great to feel like myself again. Sleep is a fabulous thing.
Today’s workout began with a 20 minute warm up before I completed an upper body workout that focused on my biceps, shoulders, triceps and back. I super-setted exercises and incorporated 30 seconds of jumping jacks into the strength portion of my workout which kept my heart rate up. It felt good to feel the burn again!
Breakfast this morning had to be fast. I had 40 minutes to pack for a week away, eat and shower, so my morning meal was an old standby!
Another egg white and oatmeal protein pancake!
This time, I added a scoop of cashew butter to the mix for some healthy fat and served the pancake with dried peaches on the side.
Now I am blogging from a coffee shop right by Ryan’s work. We have plans to head back to Orlando today because Ryan is working at a trade show all week and I am going to help with the set up before catching a flight to San Francisco from Orlando tomorrow. (Sadie is staying with my parents and they’ve been sending us pictures of her sleeping in their bed and stalking birds on the beach which cracks us up!)
See ya from Orlando!
Question of the Morning
- What was the last movie you saw in the theatre? Would you recommend it to others?
I just finished reading the Ender’s Game and can’t wait to see the movie! Do you think the movie is appropriate for kids?
To be honest, I cannot even remember the last movie I saw in a theatre, it’s been awhile! I think I’ll probably be going soon, though.
Ender’s Game!!!! yes yes yes! We had to read that in middle school and I still remember it being fantastic, can’t wait to see the movie! What are you doing in San Fran this time? Did I miss a post about it? I can just see Sadie frolicking on the beach now, too funny!
It’s all go for you at the moment!!! Glad you caught up on sleep in preparation! 🙂
Last movie in a theater was Joss Whedon’s Much Ado About Nothing. Definitely recommended, even for non-Shakespeare fans.
Happy Veterans Day! Thank you Dad, and troops past and present for everything you do <3
Last movie, Hunger Games, not a fan….book was soo much better, isn't is always?
Have fun on your trip!!!!
Thor the Dark world and I loved it!!!! I would totally recommend it not only because I have a huge crush on Thor! LOL Where can I find one? I want a Thor! hahaha Have a safe trip and enjoy Orlando and San Francisco!!
oh gosh, I probably see two movies a year in theaters nowadays! I love going but it’s at least $12 for a ticket here in Chicago, which tends to keep me from going.
Those 8 PM bedtime are the best! I just saw Gravity last week and I think you definitely have to see it in the theaters or it just won’t have the same impact!
Sounds like maybe I should read the book before going to see the movie. Tim and I just went to see Thor yesterday for our Anniversry and it was really good. We love all the Marvel movies. It’s a must see. Can’t wait to catch up on the Disney races. I’ve heard they are a Must Do!
Just saw “Bad GrandPa”…….horribly inappropriate, but hilarious all the same. Didn’t stop laughing the whole time!
I can’t remember the last movie I saw in theatres, but I did just rent “The Call” with Hallie Berry and it was REALLY good. It’s definitely a must see! It’s probably the best action movie I’ve seen since Taken!
Busy Busy!!! Have so much fun!! 🙂
Thank god you got some sleep! It works wonders :). Can’t wait to hear about the Disney 5k!!!! The last movie I saw in theatres was The second Wolverine movie. My boyfriend is in love with him so we had to see it. I thought it was good. I thoroughly enjoyed it 🙂
I can only imagine how tired you were after such an exciting weekend, but I can’t wait to read the race recap :-).
I think the last movie we saw in theatres was …Silver Linings Playbook. Oh wow! It has sure been a while. I miss movies…and popcorn.
The last movie I saw in the theater was Ender’s Game! My husband read the book and loved it too. After seeing the movie, I’m considering reading it myself.
Last movie I saw was Gravity, which I really did not enjoy (so much that I blogged about it…and I’m NOT a movie review, ha!).
But anyone who’s seen Gravity will appreciate this 15-second Jamie Foxx parody! It kills me every time 🙂
The last movie I saw in the theater was Monster’s University. My fiance and I are such kids and the movie is so good!
The last movie I saw in theaters was Gravity, which I wouldn’t necessarily recommend. It was actually almost too well done, which I know sounds weird. Between the cinematography and the 3D, I spent 2 hours feeling like I was in space and about to run out of oxygen. It’s the first time I’ve ever felt claustrophobic in a movie theater!
I love sleep! I was able to catch up on sleep Saturday night and last night. It’s not often I get a solid 9 hours.
Your workout and breakfast sound (and look) awesome! Looks like you have a busy day ahead of you, and I hope it’s a good one!
The last movie I saw in theaters I think was “The Great Gatsby!” I obviously don’t go to the movies that often…
Ahhh I’m glad you had fun at Disney and I can’t wait to hear more about it. And I agree–sleep is a faaaaabulous thing!
We saw Thor over the weekend, and I would recommend it. I mean it is two and a half hours of Chris Hemsworth after all!
SF! Yay! What are you in town for? Would love to meet up for a class or a run along the water!
I can’t actually remember the last movie I saw in theaters but my BF and I watched The Internship on Friday night and loved it. I used to work at Google and it was really fun seeing my office and all things Googley on screen!
I just went to see Broken Circle Breakdown– quite intense and deep movie
I haven’t seen a movie in the theater in a really long time!! Have a blast on your trips. You are a traveling bee lately 🙂 So fun!
“Two Guns” with Mark Wahlberg and Denzel Washingston. I didn’t expect to like it but I totally did! It’s a snuggle up on the couch and eat popcorn kind of movie. Your trip to Disney looked like so much fun!!
I saw About Time this weekend (the one with Rachel McAdams). I think it was pretty well done for what it was…. not the best, not the worst. You know.
I just saw Thor and Ive never been super into comic booky stuff but I would definitely recommend it, it was a fun movie for sure.
It has been SO long since I’ve seen a movie in the theaters that I don’t even remember! How sad is that?!
But I KNOW we are seeing the Hunger Games ASAP 🙂
I don’t even know what movie I saw last in theaters, that long ago! I did (try) and watch The Hobbit last night but it soo long I fell asleep. Until next time.
I’ve never had dried peaches either. Must give them a go!
I am from San Francisco, so I have a lot of suggestions.
I know that you love coffee so you should try out “Philz Coffee.” There is a location right next to the AT&T Park (the SF giants stadium.) There are a few other locations as well. It is drip coffee, but there are a ton of blends, so I definitely recommend it. Also you should have an ice-cream sundae at Ghiradelli Square. I’m from SF, but I still do this 1x a year. And of course go visit the Golden Gate bridge. If you have time, maybe you can drive over to Napa Valley and do a wine tour.
I saw Ender’s Game last week and thought it was fantastic! We read the book in my book club and had mixed reviews but everyone loved the movies. I agree the visuals were amazing!
Ok, Julie, next time you are in Orlando we should plan a frozen yogurt date or something! 🙂
I saw Gravity in 3d and loved it!
It’s amazing what a good night’s sleep can do! 🙂
Have a great trip! Safe travels!
i haven’t seen a movie in forever but I can’t wait for The Book Thief to come out, I loved the book!
I saw Last Vegas last week and it was really funny. Definitely funnier than I expected.
I’m going to see Ender’s Game tonight after work with my boyfriend. He read the book, I haven’t……but I’m looking forward to a good story with awesome special effects! Before that, my Dad, brother, and I saw “Captain Phillips”…..my Dad was a Navy guy and he got a little teary at the end! (He’s not outwardly emotional, either!). I enjoyed it, too, and would recommend it!
My high school boyfriend loved that book and told me to read it. And now, years later it is a movie! I can’t help but think of being 16 yrs old reading the book and talking about it with my HS sweet heart. Ha. Can’t wait to see it on the big screen.
Last movie I saw in the theatre was Gravity with Sandra Bullock. It was a good movie as it was really different, not one I would watch twice since you know what happens but still worth seeing if you haven’t.
OMG I am so excited for Ender’s Game coming out in Australia, it is also one of my all time favourite books and series, I like the whole series but the first book is definitely the best to me. Hearing how good you thought the movie was makes me even more excited. It comes out here on the 5th of December.
What kind of protein powder do you use in your shakes? I like the EAS whey protein but haven’t tried anything else so wanted to get some other opinions before ordering more.
– Melissa
You are so busy! I can’t imagine how hard it must be to be away from Ryan so long!
i couldn’t even tell you the last movie i saw in the theater. i have a tendancy to fall asleep during movies and have definitly fallen asleep at the movie theater plenty of times.
My hubby and I just saw the new Thor movie on Saturday night. It was pretty good- not as good as the first one though. But at least I got a shirtless Chris Hemsworth scene out of it 🙂
this summer I saw Mud and LOVED it!!
We saw Thor on Friday night and we loved it! It had something for everyone and we actually felt it was even better than the previous one. My bf introduced me to Marvel movies and I’m a new fan 😉 When the Chris Hemsworth scene came on [no spoiler alert], the ladies whistled in the movie house. Of course I was with my man so I controlled myself 😉 haha
Happy travels Julie, and best for Ryan’s trade show!
P.S. You’re sooooo lucky to have run at Disney 🙂 whoohoooo well done!
We went and saw Ender’s Game this weekend too! I thought the graphics were great, but I definitely prefer the book (which is usually the case, anyhow). We felt that movie was FLYING by. At one point in the movie, maybe only half an hour in, my husband whispered “this took me eight hours to get to in the book!”. Haha! Before we knew it, the movie was over!
My husband and I were just trying to remember that very thing a few days ago. What did we last see in Theaters? When we were dating, we went to the movies ALL the time. Nowadays, we prefer Redboxing (is that a verb now?) a movie and staying in our pajamas, ha ha. Although I can’t recall the last movie we went to, I do remember that we saw it at our local Cinnebar, which is always a treat because it’s a 21 and over place with lots of leg room, comfy chairs, fun food and adult beverages!
I do love Ender’s Game, though, so we might have to make a special trip out to see it.
I would love to win the treat box! I consider myself a “nutritarian” – I eat for nutrition. Finding out so much more these days about the health benefits of Chia Seeds ( more that just a Chia Pet). I would really like to try the Chia Crackers.