Yesterday I went to bed dreaming of this morning’s breakfast.
As I left my friend Merri’s house last night, she sent me home with some delicious leftovers from her New Year’s party the night before.
I knew I could incorporate her boyfriend Pete’s wonderful sausage with peppers and onions into a yummy breakfast scramble and awoke with a craving for something eggy!
After heating up the leftover sausage, peppers and onions in a skillet, I added eggs and a dash or two of salt to complete my scramble. Everything cooked quickly and within five minutes I had two full bowls of food ready for eatin’.
I love it when you can use leftovers to create a completely different meal.
Now I’m off to change and get ready for the day.
First up = church!
Ohhh my boyfriend would love this- sausage and peppers are his favorite!! Hope you have a great day 🙂
yeah, ryan was a huge fan! boys and their meat… 😀
Maybe I just have my mind in the gutter, but that phrase “boys and their meat…” just makes me giggle.
You’re not alone – snickered at “her boyfriends wonderful sausage” too!
i LOVE being able to take leftovers and create something totally different- this was surely a winner!
Already doing one of your New Years Resolutions with church! I’m impressed! 🙂
And leftovers rule! My freezer is full of leftover food! 😀
Way to start the new year off right! I am off to church myself! Have a great day Julie!
I love breakfast scrambles too! What a great start to the day! 🙂
I have a weird egg thing. Im so scared of the yolk, i think a baby chick might pop out==> strango. i know.
How creative!!! Have a wonderful day Julie! 🙂
Mmm I love scrambles! Especially when lots of veggies are involved and leftovers! Simple as pie!
Enjoy your morning and church 🙂
Have fun at church! and the breakfast looks yummy. 🙂
My hubby would go NUTS for that breakfast!!
Yum yum — I’m off to church too (but after some homemade waffles 🙂 )
Just wondering… is it problematic that I’m sitting in bed with my laptop drooling over your breakfast and yet too lazy to get up and make my own? It’s looks delish. Enjoy your Sunday.
Nice! That looks like a hearty Sunday morning breakfast.
i need to start using leftovers ! i’m so bad at that! off to church myself!
That looks delicious!!!! I swear eggs are the best thing to toss leftovers with!
Just wanted to say hi! I’ve been reading for awhile and just got my own blog back up and running.
I’m like you — I never tire of leftovers! (They also don’t last too long in our house since it’s just the two of us). I have some leftovers from a restaurant we went to last night…will totally be incorporating them into my lunch! If you’re ever in the Charlotte area, hit up Flying Biscuit. You won’t be disappointed (especially if you order something breakfasty… served all day long!)
I wish I could go to church more often, my husband works a lot of sundays and I just like going with him. I just realized that we have a lot of church tv sunday mornings…i’ll have to start recording 🙂 Enjoy church and this wonderful wonderful day on earth 😀
I love using up leftovers as well to create a totally different meal! I always feel great not wasting food!
Sounds yummy! Have a great day!