Sadie sends lots of kisses your way.
Speaking of Sadie, a few of you have asked for an update on her buggy issue. She is tic free and doing very well!
Thank you for thinking of her!
This morning I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do at the gym. The boot camp plan I’m following called for a 45 minute interval workout and core work, but I didn’t feel like doing a long cardio session since I’ll be participating in an indoor triathlon tomorrow.
Whenever I don’t know what to do at the gym, a circuit workout is almost always my fallback plan.
I completed the following circuit workout that I named the Sunrise Circuit since I did it nice and early in the morning. It was a cardio and core workout, somewhat similar to my super sweaty ab circuit workout.
I was a sweaty mess after this one and my abs were burning!
Also, for those of you looking for At Home Workout options, if you substitute an exercise for the box jumps, this circuit can easily be done in your living room or hotel room if you’re traveling. (If you’re confused by any of the exercises mentioned, I always use YouTube to watch videos made by personal trainers who do a great job of demonstrating some of the more confusing moves with proper form.)
When I arrived home from the gym, a breakfast bagel sandwich was calling my name.
Eggs + Swiss cheese + Jelly
A cup of coffee came along for the ride to help with my productivity.
See ay after lunch! Hope your Friday is off to a great start!
You know I love circuit workouts as well. Pinned that baby!
Glad Miss Sadie is doing better! Are we voting on book club today? I’m getting excited for the next book!
yes!! this afternoon! 🙂 i’m ready for a new book, too!
I’m glad Sadie’s tick free! And I’m with Tina and definitely pinning that workout!
I was channeling my inner Julie this morning because I woke up craving a egg/jelly breakfast sandwich. 🙂
Those egg/jelly sandwiches look soooo good! I’m currently deployed so it’s difficult to find that scrumptious looking food but, I can’t wait to get back home and try it! 🙂
woo! i can’t get enough. 🙂
I always love a good circuit as well, it keeps my body and mind guessing eliminating any possibility of boredom!!
Box jumps make me really nervous! I’m scared that I’ll trip over my feet and fall on my face 🙁
i use a very, very small box. 😉
That workout sounds awesome and I love the name and the picture!
thanks, kaitlin. it’s jacksonville beach in the morning!
I love your circuit workouts! They leave me feeling like i had a great workout!
Circuits are where it is at!!! Love how they leave me feel totally exhausted by the end. I love doing box jumps but prefer to do them when no one is watching, just in case I do fall flat on my house, lol! I would probably sub jump squats if I were to tackle this workout at home!!
Love the the way you’ve put the workout on an image! Is it the core circuit between each circuit?
I just had a whole grain protein bagel with peanut butter and banana for breakfast – yummy! I’m really bad at making scrambled eggs or egg patties so no egg bagel sandwiches for me… haha! 😉
my 2 year old daughter is reading your blog with me and she looks at the picture of sadie and says “that’s a birdie mom”
Haha I would sub the box jumps anyway, they scare me! It’s a weird fear of mine…
Have you tried tabatas? I bet you’d love ’em!
i did lindsay’s tabata workout last saturday and loved it!
Thanks for the circuit workout. I’ve been collecting up ideas to take with me to the gym, as I’m trying to do more of that type of exercise lately. 🙂
And I just saw the previous person’s comment. I did a tabata post today, actually (because I’ve been trying that out too!).
This is probably going to be your stupid question of the day, but what are ‘ski jumps’? Thanks! This looks awesome!
here is a good demo video:
Perfect – thanks so much!
When you are doing a timed circuit, how do you keep track of when the 30 seconds is up? Do you wear a watch or just workout near a clock? Thanks!
my gym has a clock on the wall, and i just watch the second hand. 🙂
I think you have finally tempted me to do a circuit workout! I see yours and they look great but I enjoy running on the elliptical or something bc cardio is my stress reliever and then I just use some machine and free weights. I feel like I wouldn’t get as good of a workout with a cirucit-but I think I’m wrong and I am going to put on my big girl panties and try this one out this weekend!
Fantastic workout!!!
aww yay for Sadie! workout looks great! I’ll give it a try 🙂
Looks like a great circuit!
Ahhhh LOVE a good circuit workout! Pretty pic behind the workout, p.s.!
Love that this workout incorporates abs! I need to think about those more often!
ahhh the sunrise circuit looks like so much fun! I think I know what I’ll be doing this weekend 🙂
I’m somewhat new to your blog and I’ve been loving everything you post as well as stories about Sadie!
I was wondering what kind of bagels do you buy? They always look so good!
JULIE! i always wonder where at the gym you do your workouts? on the mat/stretching area?? dont you ever get embarrassed to do such a HIIT in front of all the people … I feel like most people at the gym are only on the machines but Ive actually never seen a single person doing their own hardcore workout! maybe I just wasnt looking .. I am getting a gym membership in September at a pretty nice gym here in Vienna, so I am definitely looking forward to that (and to spinning class <3)
hi julie! i just started following your blog, and it’s really fun and inspiring. question – what kind of bagels do you use for your scrumptious bagel-wiches?
Is Insurgent in the running for this month’s book club or did you read it already? I just finished Divergent, as per your reccomendation, and loved it! So happy Sadie’s bug-free!
Yay that Sadie is healthy! 🙂 I never do circuit workouts but I tried one of the ones on your blog this week and it was such a nice change of pace! Plus it went by in no time since you’re constantly doing something new. Thanks Julie!
You have convinced me to start trying some circut workouts! 🙂 I’m pretty excited to try this one! I’ll definitely look up some youtube videos to find perfect form for these excercises and then I’ll be getting my booty in shape trying these! 😀 Wish me luck!!!
circuits are so effective Taryn! Do give ’em a try~they’re so good for the cardiovascular system, shaping the muscles, and even fat burning if that’s what you’re looking for. 🙂 Hope it goes great for you!
That Sunset circuit looks amazing. I can’t wait until I can try it (I don’t live right next to one)
Glad Sadie got rid of her little bug friends!
That workout looks very tough… a good way! 😉
Have a great weekend!
This circuit looks like a tough one! But I’m up for the challenge! 😉 I really enjoyed your Sweat Ab workout, so I am excited to try this one. Thanks, Julie!
Oh, and I am so glad Sadie is doing better! She’s such a little love muffin.
I will most definitely be trying out this circuit within the next week!
I’m glad Sadie is tic free 🙂 My little bubba dog has a sore poor and it breaks my heart when she brings it up near her face and does the cutest thing- naww they are lovable.
Do you do circuit one and then the core circuit, circuit two and then core, etc. Or is it do circuit one twice followed by core circuit. The repeat each circuit once before core circuit instruction has me confused.