“There’s sunshine after every storm.”
That is one of my all-time favorite quotes and one I look to when times are tough.
I wholeheartedly believe that everything in life always works out, even when a situation is so grave and taxing that it’s hard to imagine. I tell myself “it’ll all be fine” a lot in life. Whether it be stressing out over personal issues or plugging away at a difficult task at work, things always have a way of working out.
And that’s why I loved this quote that blog reader Caroline shared on my morning post:
“Don’t let the rain and the clouds keep you from seeing the sunshine in your life.”
Those wise words that came from Caroline’s mother are a great reminder that even in dark days, we all have something to smile about. Through serious health, financial, relationship and job issues, something or someone in our life deserves a smile.
One little ray of sunshine in my day was my lunch!
Look familiar?
Yes, that would be a nearly identical bagelwich to the one I had for breakfast. I say nearly because I replaced the Colby jack cheese with muenster cheese and the pear slices with apple slices.
A completely new bagelwich! 😉
On the side I enjoyed leftover roasted green beans and three oddly-sliced carrots.
Two chicken wings and a garlic knot were also consumed thanks to the food stash of some coworkers.
Back to plugging away at work…
Question of the Afternoon
- What is the “sunshine” in your day today?
My sunshine is my husband. He is so unbelievably supportive of me and my often quite lofty dreams. His faith in me and my goals gives me strength and courage to take risks and follow my heart, even when it’s scary and nerve-wracking.
My sunshine are definitely my parents. Little things they do make me realize just how blessed I am to have them. Yesterday I saw that my dad had commented on my blog. Considering that I didn’t even think he knew how to send an email, it made me smile. In fact, I’m still smiling about it! lol
My “sunshine” today was hearing a preview to the acapella concert tonight as well as working with some high school students on a duet for the next concert. So much talent!
I have a lot of sunshine in my life…my friends family, and especially my boyfriend He always has such a positive outlook on life, it’s hard for me to stay negative about anything around him!
Being two days away from the weekend brightens things up also! 😉
My sunshine today is doing some relaxing yoga after a long dreary day 🙂
Such a sweet quote! My sunshine is doing some baking when I get home, talking to my boyfriend and watching Modern Family. 🙂
The sunshine in my life is my baby boy. He is my little buddy and my companion. I try to be a better person every day to set a good example. For me, there has been no love greater than the love I have for my child.
My sunshine today (since it is raining in Boston) is the sunshine that I am looking forward to in FLORIDA tomorrow for a little trip with my boyfriend! B-)
Bring on the 85 degree weather and serious sunshine/R&R !! 🙂
Oh and your blog is the sunshine of my days lately since work hasn’t been too great… always helps brighten my day – Thanks Julie!
My sunshine today is that there’s SUNSHINE today! I have missed it so! Also, I will be moving out of my current apartment with two horrible roommates into my very own place in 2 weeks 🙂 THAT is something to which I look forward!
Just discovered your blog–love it! And all this sunshine/rain talk reminds me of a quote I heard once:
“whatever you cross, whatever the pain, there will always be sunshine after the rain.” very inspirational 🙂
I think when stress happens to one person it happens to all people 🙂 My ray of sunshine today is my wonderful husband, my Rhodesian ridgeback and my son… also that I get to have dinner with an amazing friend tonight.
I found out that one of my best friends totaled his car today. The sunshine in my day was finding out he is okay. Nothing more important than being healthy and alive.
Glad to see you’re feeling better!
I liked the stress post, such good things were shared!
I must say that sunshine itself makes you feel happy and so good! Like you were on hibernation and now you’re back to life! (I enjoy spring A LOT ^^).
Today, it was my dancing class, such a good time!
The sunshine in my day so far was my awesome boyfriend having a coffee from my favorite local coffee shop waiting for me when I got out of the shower! 🙂
Great quotes! The sunshine in my day is going home to make dinner with my boyfriend. Is it time to go home yet?! 😉
One sunshine in my day was seeing that my baby nephew is happy and smiling and healthy! And the fact that I have–LIFE!!
I do not get to see my sunshine everyday, but my little cousin is obsessed with me, which I am dumbfounded by and love at the same time!!! I love her dearly and cannot get enough of her, even though she can be a handful.
I got to see her last night and she ran towards me and hugged and patted my leg and told me, “I luve you!” over and over!! There is nothing better in my world than having that little angel tell me she loves me!!
What a great question Julie!
I’m sure you’ve mentioned this many times before, but what kind of bagel thins do you use? They look just delish!
Great quote!! My sunshine is usually my husband + puppers. A happy combination that pretty much makes work stress, drama, etc. melt away!
My sunshine today was quite literally the sunshine. LOL. It’s an absolutely gorgeous day and perfect for driving with the sunroof and all the windows open and music blaring on the stereo. That made me smile 🙂
my sunshine is my little doggie ollie. he never fails to cheer me up and make me smile 🙂
Love that quote… I think often we have to experience hardships to appreciate the sunshine behind those clouds. And just believing that things will work out means that they will! 🙂
Hang in there Julie! My work definitely has it’s ups and downs too but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel!
PS – You should be a spokeswoman for sandwich thins. You love them just as much as I do!
Reading you answer to the “what is your sunshine?” question made me melt! It’s great that you found someone who can be so much help in a hard situation.
For me, it’s either hanging out with my crazy family, having a quiet day reading a book while it’s raining outside, or dancing to the perfect dance songs for hours!
Aaaaw!! I hope you continue to see the sunshine! 😀
That bagelwich is obviously completely different….as long as you swap out the cheese or the fruit, you can keep eating it at at least 2 meals a day! hahaha
My husband is my sunshine too! He is so supportive of me going back to school, starting a blog to document it, and always taking the dog out in the mornings when I want to sleep that extra 5 minutes!
My sunshine for today! Jason Mraz’s “Sunshine Song” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrU5fHLQztk (starts at about 1:40)
When I was about 20, I was going through a really tough time. I started writing a little bit, and one of the lines I jotted down one day was, “Storm through the shadows and you shall feel the sun.” Over the past eight years, handling life’s ups and downs, I’ve always come back to that phrase/mantra when I needed a little internal encouragement. So much so that i recently tattooed it on my back. Now, anytime I have a seemingly difficult obstacle in front of me, I give my back a little rub and know that I’ll come out o.k. on the other side.
Can I just say how excited I am that I got a little shoutout in your blog? That made my day right then and there! 🙂
The sunshine in my day was my lunch break … the driving part and the shopping part (at Trader Joe’s). I just love driving, and today had gorgeous weather so it made driving even better (windows down = check! jams up loud = check! my ugly singing voice = check!) It’s some “me time” where I can tune out all the bad stuff and just sing it all away. But anyways, I seriously love grocery shopping and especially love it at TJ’s. I call that place my sanctuary; oddly it’s one of my places I can go and relieve major stress!
Great posts today (per usual) and hope your Thursday finds you with extra extra sunshine!
There is a line from Keith Urban’s “Don’t shut me out”that gets me through a lot of stressful times.
“Listen to your heart and clear your mind
And you will find the answer every time
Every road you travel on will lead
To where it is your heart’s supposed to be”
I have been saying this to myself daily for a while so I understand what you are going through. No matter what, it will be ok. It has to.
The sunshine in my day today was the actual sunshine. 🙂
My sunshine is my five year old. He says the funniest things, just when I need a smile or a laugh.
I actually had a small fith with my husband over a superficial subject and I can’t say that he s my sunshine. By dinner time, things will propably return on theyr good path cause we re both peacefull and we miss each other.
With that being said, it s a cappy day today outside, but I’m going to dip my toes in the water and try to be an archer for a day at the Tournament Press Contest.
I actually prepared last night by seeing Robbin Hood movie with Rusell Crow 🙂
Please ignore all my grammar errors. I m in a major rush to school 🙂
What a tasty colorful- looking lunch! My sunshine is the free time I get to spend with my friends and family. With them I’m always smiling and life seems a little more managable…
My sunshine is definitely my husband as well. He helps me put things into perspective and supports me through anything.