Ryan and I spent most of our Saturday out and about. We took Sadie on an afternoon hike and ran a few errands that took us all over Ocala. By the time dinner rolled around, we wanted something casual and easy and drove to Grace, our favorite local sushi spot.
We sat at the bar and ordered some drinks to sip as we caught the end of the Florida/Georgia game.
I feel like the only person in all of Ocala who didn’t care at all about this game, but I really like the fun atmosphere surrounding football games. Whether I watch a game at the stadium or in a bar, I love the energy! (And yes, I use the term “watch” quite loosely.) People get so into it!
We also had a fun time watching a big group of high school kids arrive for their Homecoming dinner. We had to laugh when the girls and boys separated from their dates when they chose their seats. Girls at one table, boys at another! Maybe they were just going as a big group of friends and no one technically had a “date?” Come to think of it, I didn’t see any corsages or boutonnieres… or do high school students not do the whole flower-exchange thing anymore? It has been a while since I’ve been there!
Eventually we got around to ordering food and my meal started with a ginger salad.
For my entrée, I opted for a two-roll combination including the bonsai roll and the fantasy roll.
After dinner, we walked to Peachwave for frozen yogurt!
Ryan went the cupcake frozen yogurt route (with sprinkles and whipped cream) while I got a combination of fudge brownie and cupcake frozen yogurt, topped with Reese’s Pieces, Reese’s, strawberries, candy corn and whipped cream.
Just a friendly little tidbit for my fellow frozen yogurt lovers: Candy corn turns into rocks when used as a frozen yogurt topping.
As I mentioned earlier this week, Ryan and I planned to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas last week. I could’ve sworn that ABC Family was planning to play it on TV during their 13 Nights of Halloween programming, so we figured we’d DVR it and watch it at our leisure. Well, apparently they played the movie last Sunday, so we missed it and were too late.
Off to WalMart we went on a happenin’ Saturday night to buy it on DVD!
While there, we stocked up on Halloween candy for the trick-or-treaters.
We went the all-chocolate route. Having five bags of chocolate chillin’ around the house for the next few days could be dangerous. KitKats, Almond Joys and Twix bars, beware!
Time to change and head to church. Have a great Sunday!
That sushi looks so good!! I’ve had a serious sushi craving all week. Yum!
Glad to see you’re still doing the candy thing! So many people have said they’re handing out healthy treats- soooo not what Halloween is about! Long live the candy!
Yum! That sushi looks awesome! Sushi is my favorite food so it almost always looks awesome. 🙂 Luckily we only have Tootsie Rolls and Cheez-Its sitting around for the trick-or-treaters so those aren’t as appealing as the chocolate you got! I’ll be making myself some peanut butter cookies for Halloween though! 😀
I was in GA and FL last week and saw lots of folks getting into the spirit of the game!
Both very interesting frozen yogurt combos!! I wonder myself if guys still give girls flowers for grad. I would hope so!!
that lipstick on you is fabulous! I always want to pull off lipstick but end up looking like an idiot, ha. Sushi looks delicious! Enjoy your Sunday 🙂
Love the red lips! I bought red and bright pink lipstick last week and wore the pink to a wedding. As someone who is incapable of doing my hair in any cool way, I love that the bight lips add a little something!
i agree!!! i think red lips seem to make a casual outfit or a simple ponytail look a little more put together. i was nervous to try it, but i’m loving it!
I love to “watch” football too because of the energy haha but it’s more fun watching the people get crazy about the game… and yes yes yes I have to agree I think you found a good shade of red for your coloring!!
I really like that lipstick! It gives a pop of color to a casual outfit. The sushi looks so good! It may have to be one of my first meals when I’m back to solid foods (jaw surgery – long story) I can’t wait to hand out Halloween candy, although they have a designated trick or treating time that is on Tuesday, not on HAlloween, weird. I’m planning on the all chocolate route too.
That’s funny that they didn’t sit with their dates! Oh high school. And yea, that candy wouldn’t last long around me!
Cupcake froyo?! I’ve never had that one before! I’m going to go to all the froyo places I can find until one has it. My friends and I always end up at target after we go out for dinner. I don’t know why, but it’s just part of the routine at this point
it’s so good!! it reminds me of cake batter.
Love the Nightmare Before Christmas! Easily one of my all-time favourites. 🙂
I spy a book in that purchase. What did you get?
it was ryan’s book. 🙂 i can’t remember the name, but it’s the third in a series he’s reading that his mom recommended. something greek mythology-related, i believe.
Oh! Probably Mark of Athena! That’s a really good series. It’s young adult, but I still find it really entertaining.
I need to go out and get candy too! Can’t buy it too early though, cause it would never last in my house!
We used to buy Halloween candy early, and ended up eating/chewing most of it ourselves because we never got many trick or treaters. To this day, I can hardly stand to chew gum because the lifetime’s worth consumed over only a few Halloween seasons.
ha!! was it the individually wrapped pieces of the bright pink bubblegum?
I see you are wearing the red again =) Are you a red lipstick fan now? Looks good with your fishtail braid (still gotta learn to do that one) and your casual outfit.
thank you! and yes, i’m totally a fan. red lipstick makes any outfit feel more fun!
I bought Halloween candy for my students and trick-or-treaters the other day! I ended up just buying the 250-piece, $20 bag because I figured it would be the same as buying a bunch of small bags. Although, I cringed a bit at spending $20 on a bag of candy.
if it makes you feel any better, we spent more than that. it was ridiculous. we ran out last year and felt AWFUL, so we’re determined to have enough this year! as long as i don’t eat it all… 🙂
Nightmare Before Christmas is one of my all time favorite movies! 🙂 I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do. I usually wait (anxiously) until Halloween so my poor husband doesn’t have to watch it 1,000 times with me over the course of October. As for Halloween candy…we have around 12-13 (BIG) bags, and will probably end up buying a few more before Wednesday. We hand out candy at our business for 3 hours on Halloween and last year there was roughly 1,200 kids that came through…we are expecting more this year. Thank goodness it’s a business expense. Hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend, Julie!
oh my gosh, that is insane!! i bet it’s fun to see all of the costumes!
It’s a blast to see all the kids walking around in their little costumes! Most of the time they are really shy and almost whisper “trick or treat” and my heart just melts 🙂 Hopefully we will be better prepared this year since we ran out of candy 45 minutes early last year. lol
Ohh I love the nightmare before christmas! Such a good movie!
I wanted to say how great the red lipstick looks but several others have beat me to it. Also, you should wear black more it looks great on you especially with the red lips. That sounded a little bossy. Oh well, have a great day.
haha, not at all! thank you, mary!
I would lke to come trick-o-treating to your home….chocolate was always way more appreciated than candy corn/gushers!
I love the ginger dressing at sushi restaurants! Nothing ever compares! Your hair looks cute fishtailed and way to rock the red lips! 😉
We do still do the flower thing! I’m guessing they were just a big group of friends. 🙂
I LOVE your fishtail braid and red lipstick! Could you do a post on how to braid your hair like that (or post a link)?
Having candy lying around (especially candy that I LOVE) is usually far too tempting for me! And trust me, once I start I can’t stop! 🙁 So this year for Halloween I took a different route. As a vegetarian, I do not eat products containing gelatin. This year I made sure to pick out only Halloween candy that contains gelatin (gummy bears, Life Saver gummies, Jolly Rancher Chews, Starbursts, etc.). No temptation here for me this year!
I need to go get candy for trick-or-treaters!!! I honestly don’t think I’ll have many kids come to my house… if any… but better to be safe than sorry, right? 🙂
My husband just came home with bags of Halloween candy a few days ago. I actually didn’t want to “participate” in handing out candy this year (I know I seem like a party-pooper, I just really don’t care for Halloween!), but now there are tons of Reese’s, Almond Joy, and Peanut M’n’Ms sitting around our kitchen. Gah!
Heyyy red lipstick 😉 What does Ryan say about it? I’m so proud of you for trying it out .. it looks awesome! Hahah and thanks for the tidbit on the candy corn in fro-yo.. essential information 😉 I kind of like when some candies start to freeze, like GUMMY BEARS! Yum. I always put them in the bottom of the fro yo.. very strategic hahah!
love the lipstick!
You’re rocking that red lipstick!
Yay! You’re finally going to see Nightmare! You’ll have to tell us all what you think. So many people either end up loving or hating that movie, so I’m curious what your stance will be. Happy Sunday!
I LOVE the braid and lipstick. Lookin’ pretty glamorous for a girl who was afraid of red lips! 😉
Again…loving the red lipgloss! Really suits you! We bought our candy last week…a good third of it now needs to be replaced! Every year and we never learn our lesson!
I see you’re rockin’ the red lips again! LOVE it!
You look beautiful with red lips girl! I knew you could rock it!
An all chocolate Halloween is the ONLY way to go! Moderation in all things right? Nothing wrong with overloading on chocolate on Oct. 31st!
Love your lipstick, what is it? I am blonde too and hoping the color would look just as good on me 🙂
You look so beautiful with that red lip color and that cute fishtail braid! Also, I love reading your blog everyday!..It motivates me to go to the gym after 4 college classes on Mondays and Wednesdays :/ haha
Do I spy your new red lipstick on your Sushi date? It looks so pretty on you!!
I would be in BIG trouble with the candy you bought, specifically the milk duds. They are an addiction for me and I only let myself have them when I go to the movies…..which is basically never.
I am diggin your candy choices!! I heard on the radio the other day that people ages 3-20 Ted to rank the fruity candies (starbursts and skittles) as their top faves, and the 20+ are mostly about the good stuff! Oh yea, chocolate goodness 😉
You guys are both cute. Looks like you’re getting more use out if your red lipstick? Like it!
The bonsai roll looks delicious! And in my opinion, it is not Halloween without The Nightmare Before Christmas. Great choice 🙂
Yum sushi! I’m not sure we will have many trick or treaters in Aus- but we might just give out our iceblocks- since it’s bloody hot here too! Oh and jellybeans also get super hard in ice cream.
Julie! Will you please tell me what shade of lipstick that is? That looks wonderful on you!!
Candy is terrible around our house. I always want to buy what I don’t like however, I find I will eat that too if it is the only thing in the house!
Yep, I’m going to have to tell you again…I LOVE the red lipstick & fish tail braid! I really need to learn how to do that braid…I’m off to Pinterest 😉
Everyone else beat me to it but the red lipstick looks great! Especially with the black. I’m going to take that as you were subconsciously rooting for the Dawgs 😉 Hehe! I’m so jealous you get trick-or-treaters! We live in an apartment and no one comes to our house on Halloween. Nightmare before Christmas is my favorite Halloween movie though!! Jesse & I dressed up as Sally and Jack one year and we carved our pumpkins as characters from the movie this year. So fun 🙂