Rhett is just days away from turning six months old! What!? The other day Ryan said, “We’re halfway there!” and I knew immediately what he meant. With our boys, one year has typically marked better sleep and feeling semi-normal again so in one breath we feel like we’ve made it halfway on our journey back…
Our First Baby Sleep Training Experience
Last Monday, in my weekend recap blog post, I mentioned that the previous Friday night marked our first foray into baby sleep training. I wasn’t sure whether sharing our experience would be of interest, but since more than a handful of you guys asked me to provide additional details, this post is my long-winded response…
Six Month Check-In
My incredibly active, energetic and smiley little man is SIX months old. Chase is officially old enough for me to see newborns out and about and get that pang of nostalgia for the early days when Chase was itty bitty and would fall asleep on my chest while we binge-watched Grey’s Anatomy and nursed every…