It’s another cold day in Florida! (Cue the eye-rolling of everyone not living in Florida. 😉 ) Chilly weather = HOT breakfast Good news for those of you who are sick of my cinnamon raisin and muenster cheese bagelwiches… I am now out of both muenster cheese and cinnamon raisin bagel thins. Boo! This morning…
Racing Mind
Last week’s yoga class reaffirmed my body’s need for deeper stretching. I woke up nice and early this morning do knock out 35 minutes of cardio on the elliptical before heading into a morning yoga class offered at my gym. Walking into class, I had one of those R. Kelly moments, where “my mind’s tellin’…
Drink Up, Buttercup
Butts Up
On the News… Again
Stick Lover
Today’s morning workout was a good one! I did a total-body workout that looked like this: 20 min. elliptical warm up Followed by three sets of 15 reps of the following exercises (with the exception of abs, which I have detailed below): Leg press Leg extensions Hamstring curls Deadlifts Ryan’s awesome shoulder exercise Bicep curls…