Wanna know something that boggles my mind? A few months ago I hated yoga. I just couldn’t get into it. My mind would race a mile a minute during every class. I found myself feeling inadequate as I looked at the people who were all surely professional gymnasts and could contort their bodies into the…
VICTORY is mine!!! 😀 Guess what I did this morning? I went running! And my heel didn’t hurt. Plantar fasciitis ain’t got nuffin’ on me! 😉 Truth be told, I am beginning to think I don’t have full-blown plantar fasciitis. Though the “running expert” at our local running store felt my foot last week and…
Two Guys, Two Dogs & a Girl
Peanut Butter Buddies
Meet my peanut butter buddy! Sadie and I were peanut butter buddies this morning. As I enjoyed a peanut butter finger, Sadie enjoyed a peanut butter spoon (or two). I had to spoil Sadie a little bit because I’m going to miss her so much this weekend! Ryan is taking Sadie up to the Appalachian mountains to…