Hey friends! It’s been a hot second since I’ve shared any kind of book-related roundup but if you check in on Fridays on occasion, you know that doesn’t mean I haven’t been reading. I’ve been a bookworm since I was a kid and I don’t see that ever stopping. Snuggling up in bed with a…
Things I’m Loving Friday #483
Things I’m Loving Friday #480
Summer break is officially over in our house as Chase began SECOND grade on Monday. Something about watching my kids walk into school on the first day back, with a too-big backpack covering their entire back, always gets me. Thankfully Chase was thrilled to be returning to school, especially since he has one of his…
Things I’m Loving Friday #479
Hey friends! Friday is hereee! We are ready for it because Ryan took the day off of work as a surprise for the boys and we’re heading to Carowinds, a local amusement park/waterpark, as a summer sendoff before Chase begins school on Monday. I’ve only been to Carowinds one time (fellow Bachelorette fans, it was…
Things I’m Loving Friday #472
Things I’m Loving Friday #471
Hello and Happy Friday to YOU! How are you guys doing? Do you have any special weekend plans? This weekend we’re doing something we’ve been dying to do with the boys for years. We’re going camping! I grew up camping with my family and some of my favorite childhood memories center around our camping trips…