Yep, I’m still lovin’ on spaghetti squash. Don’t get me wrong, I adore noodles, but this tasty squash is a phenomenal substitute for spaghetti and when I want to eat A LOT it’s a better option for me than buckets full o’ pasta. I prepared the squash just like I did last time, and forked…
Every-Veggie Salad
Every veggie under the sun seemed to be in my lunchtime salad! Spinach Broccoli Florets and Broccoli Slaw Cauliflower Carrots Zucchini Mushrooms Green Pepper Celery Morningstar Farms Asian Veggie Patty Phew! That’s a whole lotta produce (& one tasty veggie patty). We had a variety of vegetables on hand from our homemade chicken soup on…
Redeeming My Chocolate-Covered Popcorn Indulgence
After eating my body weight in chocolate-covered popcorn (and pumpkin pie!) last night, I knew today’s lunch needed to step up the nutrition a notch. What better way to get a lot of fresh, vitamin-rich veggies in your belly than a big salad? Last night I prepped for my lunchtime salad by chopping up a…
Meat Man
Ryan does all the grillin’ in this household and I’ve dubbed him my meat man. He know exactly how I like my chicken cooked (slightly burnt) and he even entertains Sadie in the backyard while keeping a watchful eye over the meat. Quite the multitasker! He put his grilling expertise to work today when he…
Goat Cheese Puh-Lease!
Goat cheese is just so darn delicious. It is so flavorful and can truly hold its own against other strong ingredients. Today’s lunch centered around this strong cheese. I made myself a goat cheese and broccoli pizza using freshly steamed broccoli florets and the best-ever crumbled goat cheese: Monchevré! I used a Joseph’s whole wheat…
All My Bags Are Packed
“Good Lord, we’re only going home for the weekend,” Ryan said as he looked at my bags. Considering I typically live in my pajamas or bathing suit when I’m at home, I admittedly over packed for our weekend at my parent’s house. In my defense, only the bright blue duffel bag is actually my stuff. Sadie’s dog…