Potty humor to come… But before I ruin your appetite, I gotta post about afternoon activities and mah dinner! Dog Fun After work today Ryan and I entertained Sadie by taking her to the dog park before swinging by PetSmart to pick up some chews for the pup. As always Sadie enjoyed playing multiple rounds of…
My lunch today was totally veggiefied! I topped a whole wheat sandwich thin with roasted red pepper hummus and portobello mushrooms. On the side I nibbled on cauliflower and asparagus, roasted with garlic salt. It was d-to-the-e-to-the-l-i-c-i-o-u-s (Black Eyed Peas, anyone? 😉 ). Sadie may be one of the biggest veggie lovers I know. I…
White Out
My lunch today was almost a complete white out! Carba Nada egg fettuccine noodles Laughing Cow light Swiss cheese Parmesan Cheese Cauliflower White food overload! Fortunately I had some leftover Brussels sprouts to add a punch of green to my pasta bowl. There are so many things I love about food… the taste, texture, smell…