A bubbly visitor added an element of fun to our weekend! My friend Ashley arrived in town on Saturday! Ryan and I spent as much time as we could with one of my very best friends from college and were thrilled to have her back in Charlotte! Ashley has now been here three times since…
A Peek Into The Weekend
This weekend was all about productivity for the Fagan family! We spent the vast majority of our Saturday and Sunday cleaning and organizing around house but in between deep cleaning our master bathroom (much needed!), working in the yard and making multiple trips to Lowe’s, we somehow managed to have some fun, too! Here’s a…
Chopped Salads Are The Best Salads
Chopped salads are the best salads. Actually salads made by other people are the best salads (why do salads prepared by someone else always taste so much better?), but chopped salads are definitely a personal favorite. I think I love them most because the finely-chopped ingredients allow you to taste way more flavors in every…
Sunday Funday with Ashley
When one of your best friends comes to visit you, there is nothing better. Non-stop chatting, lots of laughter and plenty of ridiculousness will always ensue and I am coming away from this weekend feeling so grateful I have a friend like Ashley in my life! Ashley arrived on Saturday and I’m pretty sure the…
Weekend Highlights: Charlotte Health & Fitness Expo, Deep Dish Pizza, Hiking and More
This morning I stopped by the blog to share our experience at one of Chef Alyssa’s delicious cooking classes. (FYI, I just heard back from the Chef Alyssa’s Kitchen team and they said I can definitely share the Paleo recipes from our cooking class with you guys on the blog. Stay tuned!) Our fun didn’t…
Chef Alyssa’s Cooking Class
Over the weekend, Ryan and I headed to Atherton Market for a cooking class! (Outfit info for those who asked via Instagram –> Dress: Thara Day Dress via White Plum; Faux-Leather Vest: Kut from the Kloth via Stitch Fix) Ryan and I have taken a small handful of cooking classes together in the past and…