It’s Wednesday and we’re already halfway through the workweek. Not too shabby, huh? I hope your morning hasn’t been too hectic so far! Before we dive into breakfast, let’s back up a bit to yesterday… I meant to check in again later yesterday afternoon after my visit to Caitlin’s house, but I got called back…
Saturday Day Date: Mint Museum + Luna’s Living Kitchen
Fitness Classes I’m Dying To Try In 2015
A Few Things From This Weekend
A few things from this weekend… In list form! Homeland! We started watching season one of Homeland last night and let’s just say we’re ALL IN. We popped the first DVD in before 5 p.m. and did nothing else until bedtime. The show is so addicting and we’re already hooked! I’m really hoping to squeeze…
Weekend with Mom
Birkdale Village Christmas Shopping
Good afternoon! I’ve been out and about all day because we’ve had guests in town! On their way home from Thanksgiving in Raleigh with my aunt and grandma, my parents stopped by our house in Charlotte! (My dad is flying out of Charlotte to Pennsylvania to see my other grandma tomorrow morning and my mom…