Something about hitting six months seemed to mark a change for us for the better. A lot of people talk about surviving the first six weeks with a newborn, but we didn’t really start to see a ton of patterns emerge from Chase until around six months. Though I’ve truly loved these past six months…
A Sadie and Chase Update
Aside from a post about sleep training (which is coming soon!), a post detailing Chase and Sadie’s ever-changing relationship probably the most-requested baby-related post from you guys! Since we all know I am rather wordy when it comes to writing about both Sadie and Chase, this post is sure to be a long one, so…
Six Month Check-In
My incredibly active, energetic and smiley little man is SIX months old. Chase is officially old enough for me to see newborns out and about and get that pang of nostalgia for the early days when Chase was itty bitty and would fall asleep on my chest while we binge-watched Grey’s Anatomy and nursed every…
Flying with a Baby for the First Time
Snow Much Fun (aka The Time We Made a Sled Out of Cardboard and a Garbage Bag)
Five Month Check-In
Chase turned five months old on December 29! He continues to grow like crazy and become more active and alert every single day. He is SO much fun and the most entertaining little dude in the world to this mama! Without a doubt, the comments we repeatedly hear from everyone who meets Chase center around…