I was a little heavy handed with the olive oil in the kitchen this evening. Care for some super-slick sausage, onion and peppers? When I’ve made Italian sausage with peppers and onions in the past, I let everything cook in the oven. Tonight I cooked everything on the stove top because I wasn’t too hungry…
Let the Games Begin
Guess what arrived today? My personal training study materials (and Sadie’s paw, apparently). My NASM textbook, also known as the most expensive textbook in all the land, arrived as I was working late this morning. You know a book is expensive when you have to sign for it. Fancy! Or maybe the whole “signature required”…
The One and Only
Do you think it was time to change my iGoogle background? The snowy winter village has been the theme on my iGoogle page since before Christmas and for whatever reason it remained my theme until today. June 25. Summer. My theme now? How pretty is that!? The picture reminded me of images from some of…
Update the Blog Week
This week is officially “update the blog week” for Peanut Butter Fingers. I’ve been meaning to update some of the pages on this blog for quite some time, so each day this week I’ll be allocating some time to updating various pages. The recipe pages definitely need my attention since they haven’t been updated in…