Since the room was pitch black and I couldn’t see a clock from the bed where Ryan and I slept on Christmas Eve, when I awoke a little before 7 a.m., I was convinced it was around 3 a.m. I figured I’d have to remain in bed for another few hours feeling rather restless. When…
From My Family to Yours
This Girl Loves Christmas
First things first, your comments on yesterday’s post meant the world to me. You guys brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart. Thank you. Home for the Holidays At right around 6 p.m. on Friday evening, Ryan, Sadie and I arrived at my parents’ condo in Jacksonville where we’ll be staying through…
Holiday Favorites
Christmas in Sarasota
Good morning, my friends! This morning I received an email from Catherine, an elementary school teacher from Connecticut. She is working with a group of people to organize a race to honor the victims of Friday’s tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut – a 5K or possibly 10K or half marathon. The race will have a virtual…