Mountain climbers. My day began with one billion mountain climbers. Today’s Best Body Boot Camp workout paired a strength exercise with a cardio burst exercise. And yes, mountain climbers popped up a lot. I did four rounds of the circuit and my face was dripping sweat. I still don’t understand why my face sweats ten…
A Little Sweetness
After a crock pot fail earlier this week, last night’s successful slow cooker dinner redeemed my love for crock pot cooking. I made beef stew by following a recipe I found on Though the recipe called for a few veggies, I added a bunch more and chopped up sweet potatoes, green peppers, mushrooms, carrots…
Jump Rope + Lower Body Circuit Workout
Pumped Up
Do you ever have those days where you wake up feeling anxious and excited and you can’t really pinpoint exactly why you’re feeling amped? That was me this morning. I’m finding silly things oddly amusing. Like the comments section on this “recipe” for ice cubes. Or the fact that the word I had to type…
Celebrity Life Saver
Today kicked off phase three of Tina’s Best Body Boot Camp. At first glance the workout loosely reminded me of the LiveFit program that focused a lot on heavy weights and I worried that I would get bored waiting around in between sets of each exercise. Have no fear! Tina’s workout kept things moving quickly…