I hate wasting food. I think that’s why I tend to be a proud member of the clean plate club. Before I go out of town for the weekend, I rummage through the fridge and pantry for any foods that might go bad and feel the need to save them from perishing by eating all…
Four C's Breakfast
Today’s breakfast was a 4-C super meal: cocoa Cheerio cottage cheese! I could really get crazy and add in “crunchy” and “creamy” but let’s not take it too far. 😉 The base for my mornin’ meal was no salt added cottage cheese (terrible on it’s own, but delicious when blended) blended with sweetener and cocoa…
Homemade Cinnamon Sugar Lavash Chips
Breakfast Bomb
Not every random breakfast concoction I make is a success. Today’s breakfast would be a prime example of a breakfast bomb. It wasn’t so awful that I didn’t eat the entire thing, but it wasn’t amazingly delicious either. I started with cottage cheese and applesauce. I blended the two together with lots of cinnamon. The…
Back to the Grind
This weekend was productive but also quite relaxing… a nice break from the day-to-day grind. Fortunately I like my job and welcome the routine of the weekdays, so I am an odd-ball who doesn’t really mind Mondays. How do you feel about Mondays? My normal morning walk with Sadie was very enjoyable due to the…
Shake That Laffy Taffy
Office Shenanigans After my boss’ daughter handed out lots of Halloween goodies, everyone around the office enjoyed swapping corny jokes, courtesy of the Laffy Taffy wrappers. Here are a few I remember: Why did the tomato blush? Because he saw the salad dressing! What do you call a lazy baby kangaroo? A pouch potato! Why…