Today’s workout made me so happy. So incredibly happy. I took a BodyPump class!!! It had been almost an entire year since I last took BodyPump and I was beyond excited to take my all-time favorite group exercise class again today. If you began reading PBF after Ryan and I moved to Ocala from Orlando…
Here Comes Crazy
Crock Pot London Broil
On my way home this afternoon, I swung by Marion Senior Services to meet with the volunteer coordinator. Pending a good background check, I will officially be a Meals on Wheels volunteer very soon! I can’t wait to get started and think that delivering meals to people in need will be a very special and…
Fourth of July at the Beach
Guard Dog
This evening, as I was chopping vegetables in the kitchen, Sadie kept watch over our house on the screened-in porch. She has a habit of pacing around the porch, smelling the air and irrationally freaking out over Bob Barker, the floating pool toy. This evening, however, she went bananas and started barking excessively while pointing…