Hi friends! My blogging schedule will probably be a little all over the place right now to the point where I probably shouldn’t call it much of a schedule but it’s only because I’m doing my best to soak up every second of these precious newborn days with my family and Ryder. Ryan and I…
A Trip to the Zoo and Weekend Fun
Sadie Turns 10 and Chase’s Dedication
Our weekend wasn’t wild and crazy but it was such a good one! I love simple weekends at home and the pure normalcy of the past couple of days left me feeling rejuvenated and my heart filled up. We celebrated Sadie’s birthday, had the most amazing dinner with wonderful people in our home on Saturday…
Christmas 2017
Hi friends! Anyone else out there just now emerging from a cloud of sugar, pajamas, stockings, carbs and holiday fun? Ryan, Chase, Sadie and I are actually still in Jacksonville with plans to return to North Carolina later this week and I cannot say how nice it has been to have some uninterrupted time with family….
Thanksgiving Weekend 2017
A Weekend in Black Mountain
I think everyone has a place that makes them feel a sense of peace and contentment that’s unmatched anywhere else. For me, that place is the mountains. I associate fall in the mountains with slowing down, escaping everyday life, surrounding myself with nature and cozying up under a big blanket with a mug of hot…