Yesterday’s adventure to the dog park was lots of fun. The weather was perfect and Sadie had a blast! Ryan and I met our friend Dru at the park. Dru brought his roommate’s dog Khari along to play. Khari is such a sweetheart. Her energy level is the exact opposite of Sadie’s. Sadie is a…
I cannot remember it ever being this cold in Florida. Today on the radio they said that though it’s 30 degrees, it feels like it’s 24. When you’re someone who thinks anything below 68 degrees is chilly, this is flippin’ freeeezing! Yesterday Ryan and I headed to the grocery store to stock up for the…
Yogurt Pudding
Why Not to Go Shopping Hungry
Why you should not go shopping when you’re hungry… Exhibit A: Ryan and I stopped by Walgreens before dinner yesterday with the healthiest of intentions. I needed to buy a battery for my heart rate monitor and ended up with that plus some tasty extras… like Oreos… and Boston Baked Beans… and M&Ms. Hey, I just had…
Vanilla Pumpkin Overnight Oats
The anticipation of a good breakfast makes getting up in the morning a bit easier for me. Last night I prepped my morning meal: overnight oats with lots o’ pumpkin! The thick ‘n’ creamy mixture included: One packet of Kashi GoLean creamy truly vanilla hot cereal 1/3 c. pumpkin 1/4 c. cottage cheese 1 Oikos…
Flaxy Lunch
I didn’t want any of the traditional lunch fare when lunchtime rolled around today. Instead I wanted breakfast… again! I enjoyed a big ol’ bowl of vanilla almond Flax-z-Snax hot cereal with a scoop of peanut butter and sliced strawberries. I also enjoyed a chocolate chip and pecan cookie for dessert. It was a goooood…