Hello there! How is your day going? My Monday began as most Mondays do around here and Ryan and I headed off to the gym after our alarm went off. Today’s workout focused on my legs and looked like this: NTC Beach Legs workout 15 Hamstring curls + 10 squat jumps (4x) 15 Leg extensions…
Pouring and Drizzling
One On One
A Little Hectic
No matter how much I plan and accomplish ahead of time, the day before vacation is always a little hectic. Things always seem to pop up out of nowhere. Like round two of fingerprinting for my new job! Apparently the piece of paper with my fingerprints that I previously submitted was misplaced, so I got…
Riding the Waves
Today has easily been one of my favorite days of summer so far and it’s not even over yet! The day began with my favorite group exercise class… BodyPump! After going nearly a year without access to BodyPump in Ocala, I’ve had the pleasure of taking two BodyPump classes this week. I’m in strength training…