What a whirlwind of a day! Our wedding invitations are all printed. Hallelujah! Now it’s time to get crafty with the glue gun and make some labels and get these bad boys in the mail. Though getting the invites printed felt like a great accomplishment, one wedding-related decision that has been stressing me out was officially…
Ode to Peanut Butter
Keep Calm and Win a Print
Today’s lunch was a no-brainer. Leftover chicken taco meat = Chicken taco salad Today’s taco salad included: Ground chicken with taco seasoning Crumbled hard shell tacos Kerry & Loni’s Bean-Tastico Salsa Shredded iceberg lettuce Cucumbers Grape tomatoes Cucumber On the side, I enjoyed a ramekin full of fresh cantaloupe. Quite the colorful and tasty spread!…