Throughout the night little Miss Sadie was one restless sleeper. She hasn’t been allowed to sleep in the bed lately, but last night I was worried about her belly from the poopie incident earlier that day and let her cuddle up to me. She was antsy all night long which made my decision about what…
Cheesy Meatless Sammie
Sometimes several days will pass and I’ll think back on my meals and realize I’ve not consumed any meat. While I’m not a vegetarian, I do not typically crave meat and enjoy getting my protein from sources such as yogurt, cheese and peanut butter (of course). Today’s lunch was a meatless sandwich, full of ooey-gooey…
Portobello Repeat
I looove leftovers. My family often ate our dinner from the night before for lunch the next day. Today’s lunch centered around the leftover grilled portobello mushroom cap I had from Monday’s lunch. I placed the mushroom on a toasted (and slightly burnt) Arnold whole wheat sandwich thin smothered in Laughing Cow light French onion…