I’m not one of those people who dread leftovers. I actually love them! I think this stems from my childhood when one of my favorite breakfasts was leftover spaghetti… I’d even eat it cold. What are your thoughts on leftovers? Love ’em? Hate ’em? Today my lunch included a hunk o’ BBQ meatloaf from last…
From Dinner to Lunch
Leftovers from last night’s chicken tacos translated perfectly into a lunchtime taco salad. I used spinach and shredded iceberg lettuce as the base and topped it with ground chicken, black beans, salsa and a crunched up hard shell taco. Hooray for Old Bay! Today I was contacted by Dan from Old Bay who learned through…
BBQ Chicken Pizza = Great Use of Leftovers
I love it when leftovers lend themselves to the creation of a delicious meal that tastes completely different than the original dish. The grilled BBQ chicken we had for dinner last night was great on its own and the remaining meat can be used in many different ways. I used a leftover BBQ chicken breast…