Pairing strength exercises with bursts of plyometric exercises is one of my favorite ways to challenge myself during a workout. There’s something about going back and forth from a difficult strength exercise to a high-intensity plyometric exercise that makes a workout feel more hardcore… Plus, this combination almost always leaves me feeling sore (in a…
Burn Boot Camp 15-Minute Leg Workout
Leg + Plyo Workout
Leg Workout: Three 8-Minute Circuits + Finisher
20 Minute LEGS + CORE Workout
Here is a 20 minute legs + core workout for today! I am kind of geeking out over here this morning. I finally started playing around with Canva, a simple drag-and-drop design software. I typically use PicMonkey to create all of my workout images (check out this post for a tutorial: How To Create Workout…