Now that we are several weeks into the LiveSTRONG program that we launched at our gym last month, it’s time to introduce participants to new things that relate to their overall health and wellness. Each week we’re going to bring in a guest – typically a group exercise instructor or a speaker – to either…
Loving Our LiveSTRONG Group
Yesterday was a busy one. I didn’t arrive home from work until close to 10 p.m. and was more than ready to curl up under the covers and quickly fall asleep when I walked through the door. Our LiveSTRONG group meeting was particularly emotional yesterday and while I don’t feel comfortable sharing too much, all…
7:30 a.m. Puppy Chow Craving
LiveSTRONG at the YMCA Program Launch
Yesterday my gym officially launched LiveSTRONG at the YMCA! The program is a free 12-week, small group program designed for adult cancer survivors or those currently undergoing treatment for cancer. I will be working with a group twice a week to increase their endurance, flexibly, strength and balance and cannot wait to get started. (If…