What a fun and adventurous day! After breakfast, we visited Paris… in the form of my sister’s sorority’s Parisian mother/daughter brunch. When we arrived, we were greeted by her smiling sorority sisters who showed us to a yummy buffet of tasty sandwiches, desserts, fruit and more. I went back for fifths (yes, fifths) of the…
Lobster with My Lobster
Yes, another reference to the best show ever… Friends! 🙂 For breakfast this morning I enjoyed lobster with my lobster. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iU39sqEQOms] Ryan and I went to the grocery store right when we woke up and they had lobster tails on sale for $5 each. We figured eating lobster for breakfast on Valentine’s Day morning would…
Rave Reviews for Lobster Ravioli
When Ryan was off being a wild man of nature on his hiking adventure last week, I took my time browsing around the grocery store. I can spend shockingly long amounts of time in grocery store aisles and without Ryan rushing me encouraging me along, I often stumble upon fun foodie finds. Last week the…