A perk of working as a personal trainer is the ability to wear comfortable gym clothes to work every day. Yoga pants or spandex capris and sneakers? Sign me up! The gym where I am working provides a polo for trainers to wear (mine should be arriving soon) and we have to wear black exercise…
A Little Hectic
No matter how much I plan and accomplish ahead of time, the day before vacation is always a little hectic. Things always seem to pop up out of nowhere. Like round two of fingerprinting for my new job! Apparently the piece of paper with my fingerprints that I previously submitted was misplaced, so I got…
May Book Club
Tax Time
Today’s midday meeting with our accountant ended up lasting longer than I anticipated, but I think it was very beneficial. In the past, Ryan and I have handled all of our finances and taxes ourselves, but since I am self-employed and my income comes from so many different sources thanks to the blog and freelance…