Do we look a little… um… different? What’s with my bushy eye brows and Ryan’s “bear claw” beard, you may be wondering? Movember, of course! Every November, the guys in my office take the month off from shaving in an effort to raise money for prostate cancer. Then, on the last day of the month,…
Moustaches + Miller Lite
Movember was a success! Almost everyone from our office showed up sportin’ ‘staches to raise money for men’s health (specifically the Lance Armstrong Foundation). The guys looked amazing with their perfectly coiffed facial hair. Even the girls got into it! Before heading out to happy hour I picked Ryan up. When we arrived we immediately fastened…
Fuzzy Pasta
Gross post title, huh? Fortunately my lunchtime pasta wasn’t actually fuzzy, but the picture of it sure is. Grrr, camera. Someone at work borrowed my camera and now the settings are all off. I’ll be playing around with it this weekend to get it back in action. Fortunately I have an amazing DSLR camera at…