Check out what I got in the mail yesterday! I was the lucky winner of a Bondi Band through a giveaway on Shelby’s blog and couldn’t wait to slip this bad boy on. I wore it throughout the night last night, feeling a lot like Brett Michaels. Apparently I need to work on my hard-core…
Flash Freeze
Going to bed last night I figured I’d wake up and make myself a healthified Egg McMuffin for breakfast. Fast forward to this morning and my body was screamin’ for oats. Gimme oooooats. Make ’em coooooold. Stop talking to yoursellllllf. I’m not one to ignore a craving (Lord help me when I’m pregnant), so I…
Strawberry Oatty Yogurt Bowl
Pump Up the Jam
There and Back, There and Back
Today has been marked by many different trips to and from our hotel room. There and back, there and back! Breakfast Our first adventure lead us downstairs for the complimentary breakfast offered by our hotel. Let me just say there were sliiiim pickings. 😉 Thankfully they had some oatmeal on hand (I got the last bowl),…