I have a very intense and passionate relationship with peanut butter. Most days our relationship is healthy and balanced. On some days, however, I get a little needy. Like today, for instance. This morning I could not get my finger out of the peanut butter jar! My victim of choice was Krema crunchy peanut butter…
Who Wears Short Shorts?
Not a Veggie in Sight
I typically try to incorporate veggies into my lunch and dinner every day. Today, however, not even a little carrot popped up in my mid day meal. Don’t worry though! My lunch was not completely produce-free. I did manage to sneak an apple onto my plate for good measure. Today’s lunch included a bagelwich, made…
Peanut Buttery Breakfast
This morning I woke up craving a warm and toasty breakfast. I think the doughy bread from Ryan’s enormous sandwich last night left me wanting more wholesome goodness, so I decided a bagel would be the base of my morning meal. I first toasted a Western Bagel Alternative Sweet Wheat bagel before determining what spread…