“Pump up the jam, pump it up Pump it up yo pump it!” My morning was pumpin’ in two different ways… Pump One: BodyPump I think taking Friday off from strength training made me feel extra powerful as I tackled my typical Monday morning BodyPump class. It felt good to push my muscles and feel…
Goodness, Gracious, Great Bowls of Chocolate!
Real Man Shake
Breakfast this morning was served in one of Ryan’s massive protein shake cups. I felt like I was drinking a real man shake. 😉 Ryan drinks several protein shakes a day out of these cups. He gets them for free when he buys exorbitant amounts of protein online, so we have about a billion of them. Apparently I added…
Eating a Green Monster
Awesome Month
Three cheers for April!!! I love this month. Yes, it’s probably because it’s my birthday month (April 27, baby!), but I also feel like April is when the weather starts really changing for the better and the sun starts shining a little brighter (in between the “April showers” of course). What are you most looking…
Country Music, I Love You
I’ve tried to fight it for years… That country twang, those hokey lyrics… Well, I just can’t fight it anymore! I flippin’ LOVE country music. I don’t know when it happened… or if it’s always something I’ve secretly loved. My parents would listen to country music in the heart of suburban Illinois, where no one…