Today has been marked by many different trips to and from our hotel room. There and back, there and back! Breakfast Our first adventure lead us downstairs for the complimentary breakfast offered by our hotel. Let me just say there were sliiiim pickings. 😉 Thankfully they had some oatmeal on hand (I got the last bowl),…
New Pasta Pack
Since I basically passed out early last night and Ryan ordered us pizza for dinner, we didn’t make it to the grocery for our usual Sunday evening shopping trip. Instead we headed out after work this evening to pick up the essentials. As we passed the fresh pasta section, a new flavor of Monetery Pasta…
Go With What You Know
A New Failure
For a while there, Ryan and I were eating ravioli about once a week. Monterey Pasta Company made our ravioli of choice. (Just FYI, the spinach ricotta and lobster ravioli are the best flavors.) Unfortunately the pasta itself wasn’t whole wheat and I had a feeling there had to be a tasty whole wheat ravioli…
70s… Finally!
Remember that Cheerio’s jingle… “The one and only Cheerios… Oh! Oh! Oh!” Well, I have that song in my head, but I’ve subbed out the word “Cheerios” for “Ravioli-ohs.” “The one and only ravioli-ohs… Oh! Oh! Oh!” Weird, I know, but I can’t get it outta my headdd! I blame tonight’s dinner: Ravioli! (I bet…