I love fun time with friends on a week night!It makes a weekday evening feel like a weekend night. Any Tuesday that feels like a Friday is a good one in my book! This evening Ryan and I had our friends Merri, Laurel and Benny over for dinner to thank them for watching Sadie for…
Powdered Sugar Sugar Cookies
Temperatures were approaching 60 degrees as I got off work late this afternoon. That’s dog park weather! As I opened the gate to the park, Sadie dashed in, sniffed around and found a ball within 2.5 seconds. “Throw the ball for me” barks ensued. I obeyed… …And she was grateful. Black nose and all. 😀…
Italian Pizza Bake
Sweet Potato Casserole Pancakes
Growing Dumplings
Apparently dumplings grow when you place them in a bubbling bowl of chicken soup! After preparing a pot of chicken soup, I plopped several tablespoon-sized dumplings into the pot to simmer and cook. Within minutes the dumplings nearly tripled in size. More doughy goodness is fine by me! To make the soup, I combined the…
Oops. I Ruined Dinner.
Note to self: Make cookies after dinner. Making cookies before dinner will result in the consumption of copious amounts of cookie dough, as well as several fresh-out-of-the-oven “taste tests.” Dinner will then be ruined. A sugar coma caused by cookies will set in, zapping any hopes you had of preparing a healthy dinner. Throw in…