It’s no secret I am a seafood lover through and through. If I could eat seafood in some form every single day I would. My dad loves to tell stories about how I used to order steamed clams and a glass of cold milk at a local restaurant when I was a toddler. Seafood in…
Air Fryer Pesto Salmon
Drumroll please… It’s here! My first-ever air fryer recipe. Air Fryer Pesto Salmon!!! Truth be told, it’s about time I shared an air fryer recipe in this space because I make no secret about the fact that our air fryer was one of the best mini appliances we’ve added to our kitchen collection in years….
Things I’m Loving Friday #118
Good morning! How is your Friday going so far? The thing on everyone’s minds over here is SNOW!! Schools are closed, flights have been canceled and Charlotte is gearing up for what is supposed to be a rather intense winter storm. I hope everyone is staying safe out there! As for the weekend ahead, I’d…