A month or so ago, I purchased my NASM text book with plans to obtain my personal training certification. NASM gives you 180 days from the time you purchase the study materials to take the exam, so while I feel like I have plenty of time, I want to get moving and hopefully take the…
Silent Massage
Is anyone else out there excessively “moley?” Or, as Ryan prefers to say, “freckly?” To him moles are gigantic wart-like protrusions that have long hair swirling out of them. To the average person, they’re just bigger, darker freckles. If you happen to have lots of moles, let’s be molemates, because we’re one and the same….
Magic Mile Number
June Book Club
The Best Years of Our Lives?
Let’s breeze through lunch today because I am anxious to discuss an article I read this morning. I was hungry earlier than usual today. Right around 11 a.m., I fixed myself a yummy lunch of chicken salad and a smoothie. To make the smoothie I combined the following: 1 large frozen banana 1 cup strawberry…