Normally smoothies do a great job of filling me up. Not the case today! I made myself a thick, chocolaty and delicious smoothie, but found myself rummaging through the fridge 30 minutes later. In the mix: 1 cup milk 1 cup frozen strawberries 1/2 frozen banana 1 scoop chocolate protein powder 2 tablespoons cocoa powder…
Bob Barker and Irrational Fears
New Nikes
Washer and Dryer: Delivered
We’re back in clothes-cleaning business! Check out our brand new refurbished washer and dryer! Craigslist came through for us again this afternoon. I swear that site can be a real gem… or a total dump heap. Today it proved wonderful and we purchased a decent refurbished washer and dryer for $275… and that included delivery,…
Master Bedroom Mission
This morning was quite snacky. After my delicious breakfast of pumpkin protein pancakes, I was full, but a couple of hours later, I just wanted to snack. Enter a chocolate chip brownie Larabar… And endless handfuls of cheesy Chex mix. Seriously endless. When I start eating cheesy and salty snack foods, there’s no stopping until…